~P r o l o g u e~

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Please no

"Why are you doing this?" I whispered as a lone tear trailed down my cheek.

"Because you're dirty filthy trash and the fact that you pretend like you're the same as us sickens me." Jenny smiled, and without any other warning, she tipped the bottle over my head.

For a moment I felt nothing. It was like I was frozen in time.

I heard the sound of water dripping down on the floor.

I heard everyone laughing.

I stood still as ice-cold water drenched my hair, seeped through the material of my clothes, and chilled my bones. I didn't move even when Billy moved back and released me.

Things can't get any worse, Fallon.

They can't possibly humiliate you any more than this.

That's what I told myself.

But I was wrong.

"Fallon you aren't wearing a bra under your shirt?" Jenny practically screamed.

Every particle inside me seemed to wither and die when she said those words.

My shock had momentarily made me forget that I'd been wearing a white T-shirt.

My foster mom had made it very clear that she wouldn't waste money on buying me undergarments so considering the fact that I was fairly flat-chested and wore baggy clothes I'd spent what little money I had on a couple of panties and a box of pads.

So no, I hadn't been wearing a bra under my shirt.

My now see-through white T-shirt.

I quickly folded my arms in front of my chest.

"Slut." Billy's loud voice echoed. "Slut" He said again as he took a step towards me.

I took a step back.

"Slut!" This time it was someone else who shouted it.

Soon enough the entire class joined in.

There was no stopping the sob that ripped out of my chest.

I ran out of the classroom as fast as I could. My legs carried me down the hall. I let out a shaky breath of relief when I found the door of the supply closet unlocked. I quickly hurried inside and locked the door. My legs finally gave out from beneath me as my body crumbled to the floor. I leaned my head against the door as a fresh wave of tears threatened to spill over. My entire body was trembling.

A loud bang on the door had me jolting in surprise. I slapped my hand over my mouth to stop myself from making any noise.

"Come on freak, we know you're hiding in there." Billy's voice mocked from the other side.

"Come out Fallon, we've already seen everything, what's the point of hiding now?" Jenny laughed.

Her words made bile rise in my throat.

The taunts and mockery went on for some time.

I just sat there silently in the dark clammy supply closet, waiting for them to go away.

I couldn't remember how long I'd waited but when the final bell had rung and the sounds of their voices hadn't been heard for a long while I finally made my way out of my hiding spot. I could tell that it was well past noon by then.

I trudged back to the house, my sneakers were still wet and they made a disgusting squelching sound with every step I took.


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