Chapter 2

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hello guys , enjoy reading the chapter 2 :]

-- = talking

"" = thinking

** = action

~~ = flashback / on a phone call or text

(A/N) = Author note 

M/N = Male Name



i was walking around don't really know where , i think i was supposed to be somewhere today but i don't remember once again .

then i heard my name being called , so i turned around

- M/N !

- huh ?

-what are you doing here ?

-oh Hinata

- weren't you supposed to be at school ?      she asked me

- oh so that's where i had to go.

-haha did you forgot again.

- yeah i guess i did....      i replied

after walking around for 15min we stopped

-wait... isn't that Takemichii over there ?      Hina pointed behind me

-seem like it.     i confirmed

-let's go see him.      she said

Hina and i walked toward Michy

-Hina can't know about this .    we heard Takemichi mumble

-can't know what ?       Hina said startling michy who turned around

-Hina !? what are you doing here ?  

...... then he realised

-and M/N too ?!

-hi .    i said to Michy

-i just came out of cram school then met up with M/N and we saw you.      Hinata explained

-ah is that so....     Takemichi responded

then she stared at him making Takemichi nervous, 

-you seem like the adult Takemichi.

-you're strange Michy .     i added

- e-eh what ?!

-the last time on the roof with the fireworks you left just like that.... and at school you're distant with me...

-but now you seem nicer.       she said

it was silent for a few second but then

*buzz buzz*

-Michy you're phone.  

-huh ? oh thank you M/N.

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