Season 3 Chapter 1 : Wild, Wild Pussycats

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Pixie : I'm 18 at heart! At heart...?

Midoriya : Y-You're 18!

Kirishima & Kaminari : ( She sounds desperate. )

Aizawa : Greet them, everyone. 

Class A : Nice to meet you.

Mandalay : We own this whole stretch of land here. You all will be staying at the foot of that mountain. 

Uraraka : Huh? Then why did we stop here?

Tsuyu : Could this mean...? 

Rex : No way... 

Sero : Why don't we get back to the bus, huh? Fast. 

Kaminari : Yeah. Let's do that. 

Mandalay : *smiling* It's 9:30 a.m. right now. If you're fast... Maybe around noon? 

Rex : No way... Guys... run for it! Get back on the bus!

The students then turn around and start to run towards the bus as fast as they could to avoid having to run through the forest.

Aizawa : Sorry, ladies and gentlemen. Training camp... has already begun.

Pixie Bob then lands in front of all of the students, stopping them from getting to the bus as she puts both her hands on the ground. She then uses her Quirk causing the ground to push the students away from the bus and over the railing and into the forest below.

 She then uses her Quirk causing the ground to push the students away from the bus and over the railing and into the forest below

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Mandalay then looks over at the railing and sees the students who were laying on the ground and tells them one last thing.

Mandalay : Since it's private land, you can use your Quirks as you wish! You have three hours! Come to the facility on your own two feet! After getting through... The Beast's Forest!

Midoriya : "The Beast's Forest"?!

Kaminari : That name sounds like it came right out of Dragon Quest!

Jiro : U.A. does stuff like this way too much. 

Kirishima : It's no use to complaining. We just have to go. 

Mineta then rushes past his classmates and runs towards the forest as he was almost at his limit.

Mineta : I held it! I held it! Now hide in the shadows and... 

As Mineta continued to run forwards, a large figure soon appears right in front of him as the other students from Class A looked up in shock at what was in front of them.

As Mineta continued to run forwards, a large figure soon appears right in front of him as the other students from Class A looked up in shock at what was in front of them

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.
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