42- Issues (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"It's the same". He insisted.

"It's not. I barely talk with Patrick and he's not flirting with me in any way. I'm going out with him today because he's leaving soon and the other day was fun to remember all the stupid things we did in college. That's all. We're probably not going to talk again in God knows how long".

"Did something happen between you two in college?" He asked surprised.

"What? Wait, no! I meant partying and that stuff".

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. I might remember you that I spent most of that time dating Mike, do you remember?"

"Ah...", he nodded looking at the ground and scratching the back of his head.

"It's almost like you are insecure about something because you did something. It's suspicious that you react like this".

"What?" He exclaimed looking up at me quickly.

"Wait, did you? I just said it randomly"

"No, no. What are you talking about?" He said playing with the ring on his right annular finger. "Anyway, the thing is I don't like my girlfriend going out alone with a dude".

At that point, I was actually mad at his sudden tantrum. I disliked, even more, the fact that he was trying to control who I was meeting or not.

"Sorry, not sorry. Your girlfriend will go out with whoever she wants. I'm not doing anything bad going out with a friend; I'm guilt-free." I grabbed my bag and stepped out of the room.

I was driving when Alex called me, but I didn't pick up. I had a great night full of laughs and silly memories of me getting drunk with my friends instead. I had to go back home though, and I knew I had a talk pending with Ryan.

I went back later than I intended because Kayla called me, I told her I was with Patrick, and she had to join us.

Ryan was already in bed when I got home, but he was in my bed. He looked at me with puppy eyes as soon as I stepped into the room. At least he knew he screw it up.

"Are you still mad?" He pouted.

"No, but I don't like what you did".

"I know, I'm sorry".

"What bothered me the most is that you compared the situation with Brittany's, you know it's not like that at all". Just remembering it made me warm up.

"Yeah, sorry about that, really. And... You hit the nail so I think I owe you an explanation and another apology".

"Which nail?" What was he talking about now?

"Something did actually happen with Brittany".

"What? When? How? You're not talking about that kiss she uploaded on Instagram, are you?" I asked non-stop. A voice in my brain screamed "I knew it" at that moment.

"I'll tell you everything but don't get mad".

"Don't get mad? How wouldn't I? I even asked you once, and you said nothing happened between you two!"

"That's why I'm asking you to not get mad!" He sighed loudly and got up grabbing his phone. "Maybe we should talk later". He aimed for the door but I grabbed his arm right away.

"Tell me now, we're not over here".

"Ok, but calm down a little bit". I inhaled deeply and nodded. "Something did happen between us but it was when we were working together, nothing happened after that; I swear".

"I knew there was something! Why did you say no to me back then?"

"Because if you knew, you would feel even more anxious when I met her".

"Then, you know she was flirting with you all the way!"

"Hm... I insist that she's like that. But I thought you might be aware of this already, somehow. That's why I decided to tell you".

"I was not. I mean, I had the gut but..." I started to walk around the room angered. I was angrier because he lied more than about his past with her. I couldn't do anything about what he did in the past, it was ridiculous to get angry because of that, we didn't even know each other back then. But the fact that he lied, and he lied about Brittany moreover... "You know I had a bad feeling about her the moment I saw you two together, don't you?" He nodded once. "I'm super angry right now".

"I'm sorry". He said pressing his lips together into a line and looking at the ground.

"You made me feel like I was overreacting about her when there were reasons to".

"I'm sorry". He repeated. I sighed frustrated.

"Thanks for finally telling me. I know you had good intentions when you decided not to tell me before, but I don't like to be lied to. I'm always honest with you. Please, get out, I want to be alone". He silently left the room.

I think that was the first time I went to sleep while being angry at him. Maybe I was being unfair since he did tell me the truth after all, and it's not like he cheated on me or something, but being constantly lied to by the people I trusted wore me out.

It took me hours to get asleep. And those hours were horrible because I thought about what happened over and over again. Finally, I ended up hurt not angry, and feeling guilty about how I reacted and talked to Ryan. But there was no way I could go talk to him at 5 am.

The next morning I woke up drained and anxious, but this was the thing: Ryan always knew my way. I was peeling an apple on the kitchen counter when Ryan came out of his room and went to the kitchen. He wandered around for a bit in silence before finally standing behind me and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah". I replied lowly.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"No, I understand what you did, but...". I turned around. "Don't lie to me. If you do, I just feel more anxious once I know the truth. You know I have a history with lies".

"I'm sorry. I thought about that too when you left in the afternoon and decided to tell you because, well... I thought you kinda knew it, and also because I thought it was wrong to keep going with a lie. The more time passed, the worse it would be if you get to know later". I nodded.

"I love you". He smiled. "But, do you really get jealous when I go out with male friends alone?" He rolled his eyes already done and I giggled.

"Don't do this".

"Oh... so you do". He facepalmed his forehead and it got me, I started laughing.

"Do you want to eat something, it's on me". He asked trying to change the subject.

"What with the sudden offer?"

"Ah... Jan said to invite you something since I screw up".

"I see. Hm... I have a better idea".

"What is it?" I leaned onto him and whispered in his ear. Ryan started to laugh all flustered and his ears were completely red.

"What? Why are you embarrassed now?" I laughed at him. He just waved his hand at me to stop teasing him, but I wasn't. And yes, please don't laugh, we ended up going to the club we met and having sex in the bathroom again.

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