42- Issues (Part 2)

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As time passed by, I thought everything was improving slowly. Ryan seemed a bit less reserved and started to tell me when something bothered him, which was a huge improvement. But, in hand with that, he started to show another side of him I didn't know until then. What was it? Jealousy.

In July, an old friend from college was in New York for some work meetings. Patrick was working as a small company representative manager and was sent to NY to do negotiations with a local company. Since he had almost every afternoon free, he talked to me on Instagram and invited me to go out for a drink like in our old days.

The first time I went out with him, Ryan didn't say anything; but when it was getting late, he started to call me.

"Hello?", I picked up.

"Hi, how is it going there?"

"Hm... good? What with the question?" I laughed.

"When are you coming back?"

"Soon, soon. I'll be there in an hour. Did something happen?"

"No, no. I just called because it's getting late".

"Ah, ok. See you later, don't worry".

"I'll be waiting!" I just giggled and ended the call.

When I got home, he didn't say anything but he did two days later.

I was getting ready to go out when he got home. He asked me if I was going somewhere and I obviously told him I was going to see Patrick. The face he put on... It's unforgettable. Ryan's face froze abruptly and went from perplexed to annoyed quickly. He clenched his jaw before speaking.

"Didn't you see him just two days ago?" He asked raising his brows, between surprised and questioning me.

"Yeah..." I eyed him not knowing how to react to the unexpected situation.

"I just got home, wouldn't be nice to watch a movie together or something?"

"But I already made plans, I can't cancel now. What's the problem anyway? You seem upset about me going out".

"You could have told me you were going out to meet him beforehand".

"Sorry, were you planning something?"

"Not really, but I could have come up with something if you told me".

"Wait, what? What are you talking about?" I laughed kinda nervous. "Are you serious?" I asked noticing his expression didn't change a bit.

"I don't feel well knowing you're going out with a guy by yourself. Your girlfriend's going out at night with a guy you don't know; it doesn't seem right".

"Whoa, I didn't expect this from you. You've never controlled who I'm meeting with... are you jealous or something?" He sighed heavily and turned to another side. "Have I given you a reason to react like this? He's just a friend from college".

"Isn't it weird that you have never talked about him before?"

"Maybe because Patrick and I don't talk much? Or maybe because I've never really talked about college to you".

"Ok, so then why did you do the same thing before?"

"What did I do?"

"Get jealous when I went out with girls alone".

"Ah, no. That's different".

"How come?"

"Because the only time I had said something was when you were meeting Brittany, and you talked way too often. And what's more important, she showed interest in you even if you don't want to admit it, I even recall her kissing you, am I wrong?"

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