Six// Piper

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Walking up to the bright sun shining through my bedroom window. I forgot how good it is to be home, I haven't had a good night sleep like that in years.

Taking a moment to just collect my thoughts before getting ready to go down for breakfast, I have no doubt that mother has already called my sisters to tell them that I am here by now.

And it wouldn't surprise me if Sienna and Lottie aren't already downstairs or are on their way here.

We're a close family and we've always have been. There is nothing that we wouldn't do for each other and there isn't anything that we wouldn't tell one another.

I've missed them these last few years, and even though we are close. I have kept things for them which I probably shouldn't have but they were my own issues that I had to deal with on my own, at the time my family, they couldn't help me, I had to find my own way back.

Shaky away my thoughts and started getting ready for the day ahead.

Once dressed I start to head downstairs to the chaos to my family.

Reaching the kitchen just as my phone beeps. Grabbing my phone and see a message from Ethan.

Hope you're okay...thinking of you babe.

Call you later xoxo

Placing the phone in the back pocket of my jeans and sighed.

The sad truth is since being home I haven't thought about my life back in Boston, Ethan included which probably makes me the world's worst fiancée but it's funny how different my life is back in Boston and how different it feels here when I'm in New York with my family.

Maybe it's normally to feel like this, to feel the loss of the past and who I was back then, I mean after all this is my first time back here and in someway I guess this will always been home, yet again I also need to remind myself that in a way it also isn't anymore. It's confusing and I've only been here two days.

"Oh my god! Your finally home" I hear a screech aimed towards me. Looking up just in time to see Lottie and Sienna rushing towards with me with massive smiles on their faces, as they tackle me with a hug.

Letting out a chuckle and stepped back to see them.

"I 've missed you guys too" I laughed.

Both of my sisters look at me for a moment before dragging me out of the kitchen and out the doors, onto the the back porch.

"Girl talk without parents' ears" Lottie says as she throws herself down on the sitting chairs by the fire pit we have outside. Sienna does the same.

Letting out a sigh and took my own seat.

"You guys could have let me get coffee first" I grumbled just as Lottie waves a cup in my face with a smirk.

Taking the cup from her and took a sip.

"So have you told mom and dad about the engagement yet?" Sienna asked me.

"Yep! Told them as soon as I got here, when they weren't convinced, I came to see them. I had to talk mom out of a party which was exhausting"

"Oh yeah? I can only imagine how mom took that request" she adds,

"Why don't you want a party?" Lottie asks at the same that Sienna's speaks.

Looking at both of them sighed, it's hard to explain what is swirling around in my mind right now. I'm excited about my future with Ethan and experiencing the whole engagement process with him, but they are other factors to consider here. And it easily for everybody else to say that I have the right to be happy and to move on, which is right I do.

But I am technically still married, so before I opened that chapter with Ethan, I want to make sure the one with Zane is emotionally and legally closed for good.

"I don't want to shake the boat so to speak. I'm still technically married" I replied.

"Yeah, but after what that prick did to you Piper. You owe him nothing especially your happiness" Sienna argues with me. Nodding my head and locked eyes with her, I know that she's right but still it doesn't change anything.

"You're right but I don't want to give Zane any reason or motive to fight this divorce anymore. And we both know that if he knew about Ethan and the wedding, he would drag that out for as long as he possibly could. I don't want that, I want to see him, get my divorce, and move the hell on from him"

"we all know it's not going to be that easy. Not with Zane, you're going to have a fight on your hands here Piper" Nodding my head as Lottie spoke.

"I know that. Believe me I know....but I'm out of options here. I want to marry Ethan, but I can't do that until I get my divorce from Zane."

"What I don't understand is why he's been dragging it out for years. I mean he accuses you of an affair, kicks you out of your house but doesn't sign the papers? It's weird, I mean if he wanted to be done with you, why mess around with you like this" Sienna says with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Power and control maybe. Look at the world we grew up in. Sure, mom and dad never cared about status and money, but others did. Zane's parents did, I thought he was different from them but turns out I was wrong" I replied.

Me and Zane might have grown up within the same circle. But we had totally different experiences with our parents. My parents were loving, caring, only cared about their family and the little things of life.

Zane's parents were nice enough and they loved him and his cousin Conrad, but sometimes power and wealth took away their ability to love like normal human beings. They lacked warmth and love half the time when Zane was growing up.

I always thought Zane was different, because as kids he shown me compassion and kindness. And eventually he shown me love, he showed me that despite how his parents were with him, he was was different that his heart was different. Turns out looks can be deceiving and I was the fool for not seeing the deception that Zane had, it's a mistake I won't make again.

"Okay then I guess the only question that's left is. Are you ready to see your husband again sis?" Both of them looked me dead in the eye.

Taking a moment to breathe and let myself feel, before looking back at them.

"Yeah, I think it's been a long time coming"


So sorry for how long it has taken my to get this story updated. 

Hopefully from now on, more chapters will come quicker.

Also this was written on my iPad so it might seem sort of short or some words might be out of place.

Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter. 


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