Two// Piper

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Pacing up and down my living room floor, waiting for Ethan to get here. I'm so nervous it's unreal, I mean he knows that I had a bad serious relationship in the past before I moved here.

And he knows that I was married, the whole world does. I mean you search my name and boom there's that information including information on Zane.

I think he just thinks I'm divorced, when technically I'm not.

Pulling out of my thoughts as I hear the front door open and shut after a second or two. Moving my eyes towards that direction just as my eyes land on Ethan, who was making his way over to me, a nervous look his face.  

"Is this where you let me down gently on marrying me?" He asks me with a nervous tone.

Locking my eyes on him and sighed, before waving my hand towards the sitting room, so we can sit down and talk.

Once we're seated the room falls to a very uncomfortable silence, where the hell do, I even begin to explain this to him.

"I want to say yes more then you know" I admit to him, Ethan locks his eyes on me, a hope lingering in them.

"Then what's stopping you, Piper?" He asks me, shaking my head and sighed.

"It's complicated, so complicated that I don't even know how to tell you"

"You can tell me; you can tell me anything..." He says while reaching for my hand.

"I told you about my ex back in New-York and how we were married-;"

"Is that what this is about? You scared that once we're married, I will do what he did to you?" shaking my head at him, because I know that he would never treat me the way Zane did.

"No never.... the thing is Zane and I.... we're...I mean I'm-;" I cut off.

"Honey what is going on?" He pleaded with me for answers.

"I can't marry you yet.... because I'm still married" I announced.

Ethan drops my hand like mine just brunt him, and lifts himself back a little, shocked at my news which I knew he would be, Sienna was right I should have told him sooner.

"Sorry your what? did you say still married?" He asked me, which comes out more as a fact then I question.


"Do you still love him? Are you hoping to reconcile at some point" He barked.

"No believe me I would rather swim with sharks; I've been trying for three years to divorce Zane" I began to explain my shitstorm to him.

When Zane served me with the first set of divorce papers I signed them, give them to my lawyer and I thought that would be it. That in all ways my marriage was truly over.

But it wasn't for some reason Zane did a one-eighty on me, I was told from my lawyer who was told from Zane's lawyer, that he ripped up the papers.

And he did try to call me after, but I wouldn't talk to him, I wanted him out of my life for good.

Since leaving New-York, I send divorce papers every six months to him, and I get the same response, he sends them torn up back to my lawyer.

"Every six-months I call me lawyer who then sends divorce papers to him, but he refuses to sign them and sends them back ripped up and I can't get even get a default divorce through the courts, because the asshole acknowledges the notice and throws his name around and gets what he wants" I added.

"Why? What does he get out of it?" Ethan sighs.

"I don't know, I've never understood what went on in Zane's Halstead mind"

"So, what happens now.... where do we go from here?"

"That depends if you still want to marry me, now that you know all of this"

"Of course, I still want to marry you, I'm just shocked that you kept this secret from me for so long" he says sadly to me, and I can hear the hurt in his voice.

"I know and I'm sorry, I should have told you a long time ago. But that part of my life, it's just bitterness and darkness and I hate talking about, so I try and forget everything about that part of my life" I sighed, not making excuses just telling the truth to him.

"I get it, or at least I think I do but I'm still wondering what the hell we're supposed to do now" He sighs.

I have an idea that I've thought about the last few days, I just don't know how well it will go down with Ethan.

If I'm being honest, it's probably one of the worst ideas anyone could have ever come up with, but it's about the only one I've got if I want Zane out of my life for good and to marry Ethan one day.

"I'm going to go to New-York and get my divorce in person and I'm not taking no for an answer" I announced, leaving him shell-shocked.

I vowed to myself that I would never set eyes on Zane Halstead ever again. But I've come to realised that if I want to truly move on from my marriage to him, then I need to get a divorce and wipe the slate clean, so I can build a life with Ethan, a man who I love and wanted to marry.

And I know Zane he isn't going to make it easy on me, but I don't care I want to be free of him and if that means going toe to toe with the asshat himself, then that's what I'm going to do.

This chapter of my life with him it ends now, I haven't been his wife in three years and hopefully in a month or two I won't be his wife in any way anymore.

If Zane wants a fight, he'll get one because I'm no longer the girl he knew, he broke her years ago, I'm stronger now and I'm strong enough to not let him get to me or let the bitterness overtake me anymore.

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