To All the Folks

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There was a wildfire everywhere Exi went. To her, it symbolizes the light she brings in a dark, lit room full of nothingness. The light she generates is vast and spreads widely into unreachable areas. Her warmth screamed comfort and assurance that radiated through her own.

But wildfires cause disarray.

Too much fire needs to be extinguished.

Composure is what Nouren embodies, like solid ground that doesn't ramble upon disastrous encounters. His stillness kept matters intact. Nurtured to maturity. A well-driven path entailing all he is to be. Unshaken grounds may be unfazed but never unaffected.

Visible cracks may be concealed but not completely abolished.




Writing about what Exi and Nouren have in store only takes a few pages for all the lovely folks who want to tag along with them as they dive into how they came to be.

Welcome to our lives~
- Pixie & Buzzbee

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