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Bible's POV:

"Bible..I'm so sorry..I'm sorry that because of me.."

I brought Bui back home with me..I know the time is not right and my fucking company want me tl not contact him anymore..but screw them..I'm not leaving my precious alone to suffer..

But my poor baby hasn’t stopped crying and apologising all the way..I can't see him all hurt and broken..His eyes..those beautiful eyes have lost their shine..

" don't cry..You are my good boy na.."

I pulled him into a hug and patted his head gently as he broke down in my arms completely...

" and the rest.."

"You are not at fault Bui..Nothing is your fault.."

I cupped his face and kissed away those tears from his face...

"I will stay with you always..I promised right?"

Bui just nodded in between his sobbing.

"And forget about the company and those people..It's over..I'll stay by your side..Isn't that enough, Bui?"

"More than enough."

He pulled me and snugged into my arms again..I lifted him up from the ground and placed him on my lap as I settled on the bed.

"Thank you for staying."

"Always my love...always."

"Oh..Hey..You know your fans might kill me if you give me this much priority."


"I mean, you just said I'm more than enough and I'm all that you need."

"Hey..I love beyourluve a lot and they know that."

"More than me?"

"More than you..But less than us..I love you so much Bible Wichapas Sumettikul."

"I love you too..Build J. Sumettikul."

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