Charlie death

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It been many years since all the deaths. Both Charlie and Elizabeth were 18, they had a job at one of the locations. Elizabeth had changed her identity to Elizabeth Schmidt, it was her mother's last name before she married William.

She had changed it because she knew her life would be easier if she wasn't known as an Afton.

Charlie POV

"Hey Beth, Toy Bonnie isn't working to well" I yelled. "What's wrong with it?" She walked in, "He won't move" I told her.

She inspected the animatronic closely, "I don't see any outside problems, I'll deal with it for now, you can go watch the children" She was probably gonna properly check for issues.

I went to the main party room, yeah theres nothing wrong I'll just read for now.

"Charlie, I don't see anything" She said interrupting me, "We'll have to get the actual 'fixers' here besides it's not our jobs" I said crossing my legs.

"Right but none of them are here and the kids are crying" I turned around and noticed people pointing to the empty spot where Bonnie was meant to be, "Oh"

"Whenever the others aren't here it's our job to fix everything, including the animatronics and since I'm not that good you should try to see if you can find something" I'm not that good either, "What makes you think I'm any better?" I said raising a brow, "I'm not asking for much, you like to read, maybe you can find a book?" She requested, "Fine"

When I was about to walk away, I realized something, "How long are they gonna be gone for?" I asked, "Their all having a party in a different city, you were to busy sleeping to be invited and I didn't wanna go so about 3 days" Wow, she didn't even tell me, "Thank you for not waking me up" I said sarcastically, "You're welcome" Elizabeth smiled.

I looked to the crowd and saw people being picked up, "Damn that time already?" I checked my hand watch, it was only 4:48, could've spared some time but better for me, "We should close early if everyones leaving, it's only a few minutes" Elizabeth put her hand on my shoulder.

"Alright" I left her to get my stuff, phone, ID card, bag.. And ready! "We should visit mom" I suggested, Elizabeth already left.

Damn that kid..

I got the car started and put everything to the side, I don't understand what she wants me to do, research? Hell no.

This is special, some stupid book won't work, they hadn't even published any and most are about robots, what an idiot.

I'll just go get some food, Starbucks.. That should be good, I'm really close anyways. I just need to enter and park.

Uh, I should probably visit Claire even though Elizabeth won't be with me, I don't know what she likes so I'll just give her {#####} and treat myself with some {#####}, that should work out.

(I never been to starbucks I only had the cake lolipop but my siblings got it for me so yeah)

"Hello can I have a {#####} and {#####}?" I asked, "Is that all?" The guy said, I nodded my head waiting for the price, "That will be ##$ please" I passed the money over and waited for my order to be ready.

I heard my number called so I grabbed my order and left the area, to mothers I go!

I lost space in the front but thats fine, I hope she's doing well.


When I made it there I knocked on the door with the drinks in hand, the door opened and there revealed mom, "Oh hello dear!" She said, "Hi mommy!" I said walking in and putting the drinks on the table.

"You brought drinks?" She asked, "Mhm, this one is for you" I picked up the {#####} drink and handed it to her, she took a sip and smiled, "This is {#####}, my favorite, how thoughtful of you" She was always a big fan of {#####}.

"Wheres Elizabeth though?" I almost forgot about her, "She left to early, I couldn't asked her in time and I didn't want to wait since I missed you" I pulled her in for a hug when she put down the drink.

"Ah, well next time please try bringing her in, I miss her dearly" It had been 2 months, not to long but whatever. "Of course"

"You came back from work I'm guessing?" I nodded my head, "Did you eat in a bit?" I shook my head, I didn't get any food.. "I'll fix a snack for you, but I can't confirm if I have enough ingredients to make something you'll like" She paused for a second before going to check the fridge, "As I thought, is it fine if I leave you for a bit?" She asked, "Yeah mom" She left the house after taking some stuff with her.

I went to my old room and sat on the bed, after a few minutes I heard knocking, weird but she just left so nothing bad probably.

When I opened the door there was nobody, I swear I heard somebody knocking..

I'm probably just hearing things, maybe a walk will shake it off.


Okay so I don't feel any better, I just have a small headache in the back of my mind, how helpful. 

God these streets are so quiet at night..

Were there noises in the bushes..

I swear I heard something..

I shouldn't go back now because of some stupid.. What? Raccoon?

Just keep walking and everything will be okay..

Nothing is okay..

Okay, I'm definitely being followed, I'm going to the closet building.

Perfect Freddy's, I shouldn't be here but I'm not risking my life over my job.

AHHH! Oh god you scared me, I'm so sorry-

"Ah no problems, I guess it was a bit creepy."

Well, who are you are you the nightguard?

"Yes actually, I'm new here"

Do you need me to show you around? *I could get fired but I don't care, I'm not leaving back to that creepy place, and the owners not even here!*

"Yes, that will be very helpful"

Well, where we are is the main stage, where the animatronics perform and children are usually at.

Hm, it's 5:5, we must hurry.

This area is the parts and service, over here is the main office where you will be watching the cameras, and over there is the arcade room.

Finally that area is the-- It's the..

"Are you okay?" *Ew, what an ugly smile-*

Yeah, but thats the staff only room and a few more turns is the..

*epicc hit sound*

"Woman?! Are you okay" The man looked up to see an animatronic, he couldn't see it properly as he was to busy saving himself.

"Miss, stay with me! I promise to get help" He ran away, help did arrive but when they return they couldn't find the girl. She was missing.

New theory on sammy not my au but i had to do something 

1130 words

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