"I love you RiRi." She yawned and then she was out like a light.

I kissed her forehead and walked over to Neteyam.

Lo'ak knocked out pretty fast, snores coming out of his mouth, Neteyam snored too but I never told him. He never moved in his sleep so it at least told me he was alive. Plus it was kind of cute...when it didn't involve me waking up in the middle of the night.

Some nights I considered filling his mouth with leaves to stop the noise.

Jake and Neytiri held each other lovingly, "Did you two have fun?"

I nodded, Neteyam shrugged.

"That is good.I am glad you two had fun."

"somewhat." Neteyam grunted and I pushed him

Jake raised an eyebrow at us, "did something happen?"

"Of course not sir."

Nothing of importance...

"I want Riti for myself." Neteyam said plainly.

What in Eywa's name made him say that?

My mouth dropped open in shock, hell even his parents' mouths dropped open.

Neytiri smiled, it was a wide and beautiful smile. It actually reached her eyes, it's been a while.

"My first born is becoming a man."

She placed her hand on his head and kissed his forehead. She kissed my cheek and went to lay down. Jake shook his head and placed his hand on Neteyams shoulder. He ruffled my hair in passing.

"Don't get into too much trouble."

Well we had their blessing, that's for sure.

Neteyam and I waited until everyone was asleep before we snuck out.

"We shouldn't be doing this." Neteyam sighed as I ran along the beach. I had gotten a sudden burst of energy. It wouldn't go away unless I got it all out right now. 

"Then go back loser!"

I was suddenly picked up off the floor and spun around.  The world blurring together. I was getting nauseous from all the throwing around.


"Shush. No." He slapped my butt and I gasped in faux offense.

"Ow! HELP ME I'M BEING KIDNAPPED" I tried to scream but he suddenly dropped me and covered my mouth.

His eyes wide as he looked around, he turned to glare at me.

I licked his hand, and he tugged it back.

He suddenly pulled me forward and threw me in the water.

I held my breath waiting, when it had been minutes and I didn't come up for air, Neteyam started searching through the water for me.

I swam up behind him and knocked his feet out from under him. He crashed into the water and I immediately ran, " RITI!!"

He chased me around the beach, I cackled as he tripped. He groaned as he got up, sand was everywhere, it was coating his eyelashes and hair. There was probably sand in all his crevices now.

I ran up to him and suddenly spun him around a few times, he was too grumpy. He needed to loosen up. He seemed quite done with me. I told that guy earlier that I had a lot to handle. I wasn't lying.

"Riti what-"

"Dance with me!"

I swayed my hips to the music that I started playing in my head, I held his hand and spun myself.

Ma Meuia (NETEYAM)Where stories live. Discover now