Chapter 33

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Dani's pov-

I watched as Jessica and anni danced together, jumping around the dance floor as their favorite song was playing.

My life is exactly how I wanted it.

"Mrs Gracia, would you like to come dance with me?" Jessica asked as she reached the table, holding her hands out to help me up.

"I would love to." I allowed her to pull me up out of the seat before leading me to the dance floor as the song went from a popular TikTok song to a slow song.

"I love you my gorgeous wife." She whispered as I leaned my head against her shoulder.

"I love you too and it's a good thing because we are stuck together." I mumbled happily swaying side to side with her.

"For life." She giggle before  I started pulling away from her slightly to see her face.

"Mum! Mama J is home!" Anni called up the stairs while I was laid on the bed half asleep.

It's been a week since the wedding and my due date was yesterday so I feel like a fucking whale.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling." My wife asked as she entered the room and crouched down beside me.

"Huge, I feel huge." I laughed as she rubbed my stomach asking the baby the same question.

"The hospital called, if you aren't in labour by Friday they are gonna have you scheduled for Saturday to be induced."

"That's five days away." I groaned as she helped me slip out of the bed.

"I know baby, but hopefully they will be here before that."


It's now Wednesday morning, Jess and anni had left for work and school and I was waddling my way over to Emma's to sit with her because I was scared to be on my own in case I went into labor.

"Hey Dani, come sit down." Emma smiled when she opened the door and saw me standing there out of breath, I can't even walk across the street without being tired.

"Do you want a cup of decaf tea?" She asked as she grabbed me a blanket and helped me lower myself onto the sofa.

"No, but I would love a cup of orange juice if you have any."

"We do, I'll go get that now. You find a movie for us to watch okay."

"Okay." I smiled before scrolling through the Disney options.

It's been a couple hours since I had arrived at Emma's.

She was currently making lunch when I had another braxtion hick contraction, only 4 minutes after the other one.

Before I could speak up I felt a rich of water come out of me and soak my pants.

"Emma! My water broke." I called out, trying to get off the sofa so I could go get my hospital bag and get into non soaked shorts.

Emma came running in, gently pushing me back onto the sofa making me groan. I was so close to getting up.

"I'll go get your bag, Jess told me where it is and I'll grab your hospital shorts what are in the living room?"

I nodded, giving in knowing she wasn't going to let me move until it was time to get me into the car.

"What you can do is call Jess and tell her we are heading to the hospital in five minutes."

I do as I'm told, pulling out my phone and call my wife.

Jessica's pov-

I was explaining a piece of text to my higher students, they were all around the age of 16-18.

So it was a pretty chill class.

"Right, I would like you to answer these questions about the text we read and then I think because it's the last period before lunch we can put on an episode of the simpsons."

That earned me a cheer and all of them got to work on answering the questions.

Suddenly my phone went off and all the students looked up at me as if to say 'put it away mrs if we can't have our phones you can't.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to decline the call when I saw it was Dani.

"Sorry I have to take this it's my wife."

They all nodded and got back to their work, knowing my wife was pregnant and I had to answer just incase.

I walked into my cupboard which was so big it doubled as an office and could go to if someone had to borrow my classroom.

"Hey baby, what's up?" I asked as I got settled at my desk.

"My water broke, your mum is grabbing my bags and a change of shorts for me. We will be leaving in about 5 - 10 minutes."

I jumped out of my seat packing up all my things.

"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can. I need to get someone to cover the last 30 minutes of my class and tell my boss what's happened so she can cover the rest of the day."

"I'll see you soon then?" She asked breathing out deeply, telling me she was having a contraction.
"I'll see you soon my love, we're having our second baby I am not missing it for the world." I walked out of my 'office' and Mgrabbed my jacket and smiled at the class. "Bye I love you."

"Love you too." She hung up and I put my phone away.

"Well as you are my favourite class I would like you to be the first people in the school to know I'm going on paternity leave as my wife is in labour with our child."

They all cheered and a couple of the girls get up and run over to give me a tight hug.

"I'll see you in 3 months guys I expect good reports." I tell them as I quickly cross the hall to ask one of my favourite co workers to go watch my class.

I ran into the hospital room to see my beautiful wife laying in the bed with her eyes closed while my mum was stroking her forehead telling her everything was going to be fine.

It had took me almost 2 hours to get there, talking to my boss, having to sign parternty leave papers and I got in traffic.

"Hey baby." I called as I went over and took her other hand.

Her eyes shot open and a large smile took over her face before a look of pain took over and she threw her head back crying out.

"Okay, let's see how far you are now." A nurse says with a sympathetic look before lifting the blanket that is over Dani's legs.

"You are 9 centimetres, 1 more and we are ready to meet your baby."

"It's only been two hours don't first time labours take longer?" I asked as I leaned down to kiss her head.

"Yes but sometimes it doesn't but the looks of it she was in labour since last night and her water only broke 2 hours ago."

"Oh my sweet baby boy." Dani cooed as I placed our son into her arms.

"Mum is picking anni up now as it's her last class so it's not a big deal her missing it and bringing her here." I told her as I got settled into the bed next to two of my favorite people excited for my other one to come meet her baby brother.

"The baby needs a name before his big sister meets him don't you think?" She said as she leaned against me as she stared at the boy laying on her knees.

"I agree, our top three boys names were, Greyson, Hudson and Morgan."

"I think Greyson Christopher after your dad, what do you think?" She asked.

"I love it." I smiled. "Greyson Christopher Gracia."

Our family was completely for the time being, I had my wife and two beautiful children.

I may of left her once but I am never leaving her again.

Not until death do us part.

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1351 words

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