Part 1 i dont have a title yet

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3rd person POV
To say Aizawa was worried was an understatement, he had known something was wrong when he had walked in to the class room that morning. His students were in their normal groups, talking and messing around, except for a certain greenette. He was laying his head on his desk, and his breathing looked heavy.
Worry plagued Aizawa but he pushed it to the back of his mind, walking up behind the podium. His class immediately went to their desks and stopped talking, looking at him attentively.
As deku sat up, Aizawa got a proper look at his face, and nearly gasped. He had dark circles around his eyes, face flushed and what looked suspiciously like makeup around his left eye. Resolving to ask deku to stay behind after class, he began the lesson.

Deku POV
My eyes felt so heavy, I just wanted to cry. My mum had been so much worse in her beatings and everything hurt. I hadn't slept in 5 day , working the night shift for eight hours, to have money for Aiko. So she could have food, and clothes. But I guess that was pointless now, hey.

'Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry!' Tears burned in my eyes as I refused to let them fall. I couldn't start crying in the middle of class. If I did every one would see how week I am and they would all hate me, I might even get kicked out of the hero course, I-, No I can't think like that it's fine, just calm down and don't cry.

I raised my head slightly higher and met sensei's dark eyes, he was watching me with an unreadable expression, was I in trouble? I couldn't think of anything I had done, did I score badly on the last test maybe?
My eyes slowly felt heavier and heavier, fighting the urge, the need, to sleep. I couldn't just sleep in class, if I do badly, mum will be mad, it'll be worse. Or she might hurt Aiko.........oh right, I don't have to worry about that anymore. The final thought slipped though my head as my eyes dropped shut and I drifted off to sleep.
3rd person POV
By the time lunch rolled round, midoriya looked worse then at the start of the day and present mic had taught the class and was worried for his favourite student. " And that's it for this lesson, listeners!"  Present mic yelled, dismissing the class.

As he made his way to the staff room for lunch, he wondered whether he should have actually asked midoriya if he was okay. 'I'll ask sho to check on him maybe, yeah that's what I'll do' he thought while walking into the staff room. 

Sporting a familiar mop of raven hair, he donned his signature grin and walked over, resting his head on his husbands shoulder. " Heya sho" greeted the blonde happily, receiving a tired "hey Zash" in return. " So sho, I wanted to ask something of you" "mhm, what?"

Hizashi hesitated for a second, " you know midoriya, in your class?" " yes problem child, why?" Sighed the man. " I- well, I'm worried about him. I don't know how he was when you had the class in the morning but he seemed really sick during class. He didn't seem to be really there, ya dig".

Aizawa POV
So zashi had spotted it too, something was wrong. I knew something was up, but I didn't want to mention it if it wasn't really anything, but i know my husband, he doesn't get worried that easily.

'Really', I groaned standing up as I headed to class. "Sho, you'll check on him right?" I hummed in response as I walked out the staff room door.

(Time skip brought to you by my dad being drunk and pretending to be an airplane at 3 am)
       3rd person POV
As the bell went signalling the end of class, and everyone's chairs scraped on the ground as the teens excitedly talked about their plans for the three week break.
"Really! That sound so cool tsu-chan" uraraka gushed hearing the frog girls plans. " yeah it'll be fun, but I'm kinda worried about midori-"  "HEY GUYS RACE YOU TWO THE LOCKERS!" All of 1 a raced out laughing and smiling except one problem child.

Hello fellow humans, how are you all this fine evening, I hope you are enjoying this story so far and I can't believe 32 people have read this. Hope you have a good day :)

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