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Summary: You feel upset after fighting with your sister Bry, so Devon makes you feel better.

A/N: Sad, then fluff <3


You were sitting on your bed that afternoon, texting Devon, when your sister Bry walked in. The house was relatively quiet, because your parents had gone on a business trip, leaving the pair of you in charge.

"Y/n, I need your charger," your sister said, "I can't find mine."

You wordlessly pointed to the desk where it sat, and continued texting your girl. Unconsciously you laughed at something she'd said, catching Bry's attention.

Your sister immediately leapt onto the bed next to you, asking, "Who're you texting?" 

You hid your phone from view, saying quickly, "No one." 

"That's a lie and we both know it." She raised an eyebrow.

You rolled your eyes, "None of your business."

"Is it a boy?" She asked, knowingly.

"Shut up before I hit you," you hissed. "What part of none of your business don't you understand?" 

"You have a boyfriend, don't you?!" She exclaimed. 

"EW, NO!" You retched. Realising your error, you coughed, "I mean, I don't have one yet."

"Hold up...are you gay?" She gasped. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

You hit your pillow over her head, yelling, "GET OUT, BRYDEN, I DON'T WANT YOU HERE!" 

"I THOUGHT YOU TRUST ME ENOUGH TO TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!" She exclaimed back, standing up.

"Nothing's going on, and I don't want to tell you if it is, because I actually don't trust you." You snarled. "Now, get out!" 

"Don't talk to me, Y/n!" She scoffed. 

"Gladly!" You scoffed back. She slammed the door shut when she left, leaving you seething.

Suddenly, you began to cry, realising what had just happened. You snuck out of the house, running down the familiar pathway to Devon's house.

You knocked on the door to her room, after her mom  let you in, trying to stop crying. 

Devon opened the door, concerned when she saw your hysterical state. 

"Hey, hey, don't cry." She whispered, pulling you in for a hug. As usual she smelt of acrylic paint and blueberries, which was quite familiar to you. She asked, "What's the matter, baby?"

You didn't answer and simply sobbed into her shirt, holding her tightly. She stroked your hair and whispered, "'s okay, I'm here." She led you to her bed, where she lay down and continued hugging you.

"Bry and I fought cause she kept asking me who I--who I was texting, and I didn't want to tell her it was you 'cause I'm not--I'm not out to anyone in our house, and I--I told her that I don't trust her. I feel like a horrible person and I hate myself..." You broke down again, whist Devon wiped your tears non-stop. She positioned you such that your face was buried in her shirt, and you lay right between her legs with her arms around you.

You finally calmed down after ten minutes of flat-out wailing. She wiped the last of your tears and kissed your forehead, looking back down at you as she asked, "Feeling better now, baby?" 

You nodded a little and yawned, "God, crying always makes me tired as hell. I'm so sorry I got so hysterical. I think I spoilt your t-shirt--" She silenced you with a soft kiss, saying, "It's okay. This can be fixed with a wash. You mean more to me than some t-shirt."

You smiled a tearful smile, cupping her face in your hands as you shuffled up a little, asking, "How on earth did I get so lucky?"

"I guess you've got a knack for attracting hot, artsy girls." She winked, pulling you closer. 

"Damn," you chuckled, "Don't forget to add modest to that list." 

She giggled softly and said, "I love you." 

"I love you more," you smiled, pressing your lips to hers gently.

"Come on, I'll make us some hot chocolate, then we can cuddle and watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S till you feel better." She blushed as she took your hand in hers, leading you downstairs.

You sat on the couch, waiting for Devon to come into the room. She finally arrived with two hot chocolates in hand, giving you one of them when she sat down. You smiled and snuggled into her side, feeling happy each time she kissed your head and said 'I love you'. 

After a while, when the drinks had finished you noticed Devon getting tired, and you said, "Lay your head on my lap. You can sleep. I'll be leaving in a little bit." 

She did lay in your lap, but at the mention of you leaving she clutched your hand and whined, "No, please stay..."

You chuckled, "Okay, you big baby. Take your little nap, and then we can go for a walk."

"Why're you so active all the time?" You girlfriend whined again. You kissed her forehead and began running your fingers through her soft cyan-tipped hair, placating her.

"Someone's got to make sure you don't turn into a freaking vampire," you giggled. "Now sleep. I'll wake you up when we're going to leave."

She grinned and cuddled into your embrace, sleeping peacefully as you stroked her hair. You did indeed feel so grateful for her, and for everything she did for you. 

So the evening commenced pleasantly, with you and Devon keeping each other company. 


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