Secret's Out

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Summary: When Cam and Bry try spying on Devon, they find out that she's got a secret. And that secret is you.

Y/s/n: Your ship name


You loved Devon. She was smart, beautiful, and amazingly talented. However, she still wasn't comfortable with people knowing about the two of you. After all, she was Devon DeMarco, the most feared student in Maywood Glen Academy. No one could know she had a soft spot for someone.

You were helping her sand off her artwork from the school's wall, when you asked, "Hey, do you want something to drink, darling? You've been at it for a while."

"Just a water, thanks babygirl." She smiled warmly at you, pressing a quick kiss to your lips.

You walked away, smiling, to get you both a water from the school's vending machine. 

"Devon DeMarco's got a girlfriend?!" Bry whisper-shouted to Cam in the bushes. 

"Well, she does give off fruity vibes," Cam admitted, "But did you see how soft she was towards that girl?!" 

"Exactly. That's just...scary." She whispered back. 

You came into view again, this time with two bottled waters in hand. Devon smiled and kissed your cheek, thanking you with a smile. 

Bry and Cam both emerged with their little contraption, making you and Devon both turn around to see them. 

"Hey Devon!" Said the girl you recognised as Bryden. 

Your girlfriend looked at them coldly and said, "What is it?"

"We need your help with our act," said Cam. "You know, with you being all...artsy and stuff." 

Devon thought it over for a moment, and asked, "What's in it for me?"

You looked at her with a raised eyebrow, saying, "Dev, be nice. They're helping." 

"Well, we noticed you two had some work to do, and figured we'd help with our kinetic energy-powered sanding machine!" Said Bry, handing you and Devon a pair of protective goggles.

"The energy generated by the pedaling gets converted into electricity, which powers the sand machine..." Cam said as she pedaled, "So you get a job done and have a great workout!" 

"It's cute, but I don't do favours," said Devon. "I don't mind hard work. I can do this all day." She added, scrubbing at the wall.

"Okay then, we'll take this away." Bry said. 

"Give it a sec," you nodded at Cam, crossing your arms across your chest. 

Your girlfriend turned around with a whine and said, "I don't wanna do this all day."

"Called it," you giggled, walking over to her and interlocked your pinky with hers discreetly. 

"I'll help you," she said, "But...on one condition." 

"Yes?" Cam asked.

"That you promise...not to talk as much as you normally do." Devon said, holding up a ringed hand. 

"You got it! I won't talk as much and I'll keep my word. Just ask Cam, she knows that when Bryden Bandweth--" Bry began to talk really fast, and Devon looked at her in exasperation. "She promises," Cam grinned, as the girl mimed zipping up her lips. 

"Good," you chuckled. 

"Oh, and you guys really don't have to hide anymore. You look cute together," said Bry. 

A look of both shock and horror spread over yours and Devon's faces, while you asked, "How--how did you know?" 

"Don't ask." Cam nodded, "We have our ways." 

Devon took you aside and said in a low voice, "I'm still not ready. I need more time..." 

You put  your hand up and ran your fingers through her soft hair, smiling, "You don't need to rush. It's your choice." 

She smiled gently, "This is why I love you." 

"I love you too," you smiled back, leaning up to press a soft kiss against her lips. 

You both walked over to Cam and Bry, with you smiling amiably, "You know, Devon and I'd appreciate it if the pair of you didn't tell anyone about us. We're not really ready to be out yet." 

"Right, of course. It's your decision," smiled Cam. 

"But just know, from now on, we're Y/s/n for life." Bryden grinned. 

You chuckled and waved, "Bye, now. Thanks for the contraption, by the way." Nudging your girlfriend, you nodded towards the two, making her reluctantly say, "Thank you." 

"You're welcome!" Smiled both girls as they walked away. 

You turned to Devon when they left and said, "See, saying thank you to them wasn't that hard, was it, you big softie?" 

"No," she mumbled, placing her hands on your waist to draw you closer as she leaned down to whisper in your ear, "But just know that when we get back to my house, you're so dead for calling me a softie, babygirl." 

You chuckled softly and put your arms around her neck, grinning cheekily, "Oh, I'm counting on it, darling." 

With those words, you both continued to finish up your work, the weight of her statement before being a pleasant motivation for both of you.



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