The Beginning

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Third person
Everyone was happy and Celebrating they defeated Gaia and her army and both camps became one and were getting along.  But Percy was sitting by Thalia's tree thinking about his twin sister and how they were separated at birth because they were too powerful together even if they are powerful by themselves but he couldn't blame their father he was protecting them so the other gods didn't find out that they are from three different pantheons. Their father isn't even Poseidon it's Loki and their grandfather is Thanatos and their great grandfather is Neptune. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a scream come from outside of camp. He rushed over to where the scream came from to find a boy being attacked by a hellhound. Him being the person he is he jumped into action and killed the hellhound. He reached out his hand to help the boy up. The boy ignored him and helped his self up and walked into camp. As soon as he walked into camp he was claimed by Poseidon. After that day everyone at camp started to distance themselves from Percy and send him glares. Soon rumors started going around.  First it was that he destroyed the Demeter cabin's garden, then it was the Hermes cabin's pranking aquipment. It's been a week since then and it has gotten worse. Soon he only had Nico, Will, Leo, and Annabeth. Percy was walking over to the Athena cabin to find Annabeth. When he knocked on the door Malcolm opened the door.

Percy pov
I knocked on the door to the Athena cabin and Malcolm opened the door. "Oh hi Malcolm I was looking for Annabeth have you seen her and give her something." I pulled out a small box and showed him the ring it has a silver band with a blue and gray stone in the middle of the band. Malcolm visibly paled at the sight of the ring. "Umm, I think she is at the beach, but you probably don't want to see her right now." " Thanks man" as I walk to the beach campers were glaring at me but I don't know why I didn't do anything. As I pass Nico and Will they give me looks of pitty. Once I got the beach I saw a couple making out. And when they broke apart what I saw broke my heart it was Annabeth and Theodore. I walked up to them and dropped the ring in front of Annabeth and ran straight to my cabin. Right as I shut the door I was flashed to Olympus. "Perseus Jackson we have proof that you're a spy for Gaia how do you plead." Zeus thundered, I was shocked "Inacent my fatal flaw is loyalty." "Lies we have evidence from Annabeth saying that you're a spy and that you killed your mother and stepfather." Poseidon said my world shattered even more." All in favor of throwing him into Tartarus as punishment  raise your hand." Everyone except Apollo, Hephaestus, Hestea raised their hand." All right it has been decided Precious Jackson shall be thrown into Tartarus and be made immortal." Just then a crack appeared in the middle of the throne room and I fell in.

Apollo pov
"You have just doomed use all." Everyone in the throne room turns to look at me."What do you mean Apollo." You see I know something that the others don't. Even though they made the rule saying we couldn't have a child with another god/goddess from a different pantheon doesn't mean that it stopped that prophecy. "He was the only reason why they haven't declared war on us yet." Without saying another word I jumped into the pit.

Somewhere in space: Mystery person pov
I was sitting by my favorite spot when I felt something like someone just pulled out my heart and shattered it into millions of tiny pieces. I must have zoned out because there was Snake waving his hand in my face and calling my name. " ..uge, Rouge" Snake said more like yelled in my ear "yes" I said " Chaos said that there's a meeting in a couple minutes." That's weird there weren't any meetings for today "Thank you" I say in a confused tone he nods and leaves me to think about what I felt it was like someone had just got betrayed by someone they love. Pushing it aside I got up and walked to the throne room. When I opened the door everyone became quiet and  looked at me a little worried and scared I wandered why. Then I looked at Tartarus and realization hit me. The feeling I felt earlier was because Percy was betrayed. I was feeling so many emotions the main one was revenge but not for me no it was for Percy. Before I could flash to Olympus and beat the shit out of them self-centered Gods  Luck puts her hand on my shoulder " Babe maybe calm down you just blew up another planet and before you ask there was no life on the planet" she said in a caring tone. " Thanks babe" I said then kissed her on the cheek.
First part done 👍
Picture=Rouge's favorite spot

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