꧁༒☬𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2☬༒꧂

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Chapter 2 : " We're not Flirting "

Inside the dorm

The moon bro's are on the playing Mario cart together with Ren on the right Aster on the left and  Kyo in the middle.

"I'm catching up on ya Aster " said the alien price catching up on Aster's character

"Kya~ don't catch me Mr. Risotto" replies the celestial in his Astra voice

Hearing this Kyo just rolled his eyes, about to mald from being in the last place for the 7th time "Can you two stop flirting for the love of God" he said with his face scrunched up with annoyance.

The celestial gasped "Kyo we're not flirting" 

"X to doubt " said Kyo

"I mean we kinda are " the Alien

"What the---- REN ! " said the flustered star

.・゜-: ✧ :-  .・゜-: ✧ :-  .・゜-: ✧ :-  

After 2-3 hours of playing, Kyo went to his bedroom to take a power nap as he said that his head is pounding again. Which leaves Ren and Aster on the couch chilling.

*ding dong*

The two were startled by the doorbell ring who could be the unknown guest? Ren gets up to get the door. "Ren-ren~ " a soft voice said and hugged him. " Uki  Fulgur" Ren Greets The Two. Uki Let Go Of Ren Then Fulgur  Fist Bump Him.

The star heard the commotion at the door and went to check, suddenly a purple-haired psychic tackled him to a hug "Astie~"     "Uki~"  he replied hugging Ukimama back.
"Hello Fu-chan" Aster greets the cyborg standing behind.

Aster went to the kitchen to make something for the guest while Ren chat with the two in the living room.  

After a few minutes, the celestial set the plates on the coffee table.

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"Sorry this is all I can prepare in a short time you should've let me know when you're visiting so I could prepare more" he pouts

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"Sorry this is all I can prepare in a short time you should've let me know when you're visiting so I could prepare more" he pouts

"No need for that thank you thou Aster" says the cyborg taking one of the fruit sandwiches.

"This is good Astie" say the psychic taking another bite of the sandwich. Aster feels shy by Uki's compliment so he shifts his gaze over to Ren seeing him eating a fruit sandwich happily. he giggles "Ren you got some of the whipped cream on your nose" Aster said wiping it off with a napkin.

Uki saw the unfolding scene making him smile at how cute the two are.  Fulgur pours and drinks some of the strawberry mint lemonade "Fu fu-chan let me drink some" said Uki. Fulgur nods and was about to pour some for Uki in another glass. 

But then Uki snatches the glass he was drinking from and drinks from there instead. uki then gives Fu-chan a wink. the cyborg's ears flush pink thinking about the 'indirect kiss' 

With Kyo, he rubs his eyes and sits up on his bed feeling a bit better than before. after waking up he walks over to the living room and sees hearts flying in the air "What the Fuck..."  

.・゜-: ✧ :-  .・゜-: ✧ :-  .・゜-: ✧ :-  

{   E x t r a   }

The Psyborg couple was getting ready to leave since they have other things to take care of.  Uki then went to give Aster a hug the others saw that the star was by what Uki whispered in his ear.

" Bye " the psychic said, pulling his fu-chan and laughing on his way out. 

Ren and Kyo then went to ask the star about what Uki whispered. Aster said that it was nothing and runs off to his room making the two confused. 

Aster buries his head in the pillows blushing while thinking about what Uki said earlier. 

' ꌦꄲ꒤ ꋬꋊ꒯ ꋪꏂꋊ ꋬ ꓄ꁝ꒐ꋊꍌ ꋊꄲꅐ ꄲꋪ ' 

He slaps his cheeks like this 

'No way Ren treats everyone the same' he's no exception

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'No way Ren treats everyone the same' he's no exception. he thought to himself there's no way Ren like's him more than a friend.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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