trying and failing to be civil

Start from the beginning

Glancing back out the window your chest heaves in discomfort. Of course, the day you had been dreading arrived. You're certain most others were dreading it too, even if they didn't know the exact day it was coming. Not that you knew the exact day the war was due to start either, it certainly caught you off guard when Justin of all people came storming in demanding an explanation. That was a day you were glad you never had to live again. 

A leaf blows by the window, catching your attention with its bright colour. You slide off the couch and dash over to the window, craning your neck to look out down to the streets below. Leaves and the assorted piece of trash tumbled by in the blowing wind. 

"[Name]?" With a start, you run your head into the window. Vivian and Justin laugh over your shoulder, as you clutch your head in your hands. It is remarkable that you don't have memory loss from the amount of times you have hit your head on something.

"What?!" You whine from your place crouched on the floor. Well, if the arguing from earlier hadn't woken you up you're definitely awake now. 

"Sorry, sorry." Justin says over Vivian's unending amusement, "Vi and I are off now. Figured we should let you know."

"Yeah, yeah." You stand up, crossing your arms, "Better get going then. Before you're more late than you already are." 

"I told you that we were down for maintenance this morning!" Vivian giggles and you roll your eyes, leaning back against the window sill. He crosses his arms in disappointment. 

"Let's go, you big baby." Vivian shakes her head, a light smile on her face, "Before we both end up late." With a quick goodbye, the both of them disappear out the door, basking the apartment in silence once more. 

What does one do when graced with such opportune quiet? They take a nap, of course, which is exactly what you did. You lay down on the couch and from the moment your head touches the arm you're out like a light. 

It was a very good nap, and upon waking up you find yourself in a significantly better mood than you had been before. Albeit, you did end up with a kink in your neck from the way you had been laying. 

Following the high from your good mood, you managed to get some housework done. Not that there was really a lot. Vivian and Justin both made it a point to clean up after themselves, even getting on your case if you ever leave a mess of yours sitting around for too long. So all you had to do was a bit of sweeping and tidying the small mess they had forgotten in the bathroom that morning. 

The hand towel was draped off the counter, what you assumed was toothpaste was smeared on the mirror and there was no toilet paper. Really. How do they except you to go on, cleaning such a large mess? 

With a hum, you place the towel back on its hook, before turning off down the hall to look for a dishrag. With some effort, you manage to find one suitable for wiping down the mirror. Returning to the bathroom you wet the cloth in the sink, watching it change into a darker colour as the water fully saturates it. Ringing out most of the water, you reach over the counter scrubbing the dried paste off the mirror. Finding satisfaction in your work you watch the water drip down the now clean glass, before grabbing the hand towel and drying it. 

Again, you put the towel back, before stepping into the hall. Pulling the door open, you scan it to look for any rolls of toilet paper. You sigh as you close it again. Another item for the list you suppose. Maybe you should actually go make one of those so you don't forget anything when you do go to get groceries. 

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