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April 8th, 2023

Story Snippet | Secret Lover Pt.1 

Her book was reverie in the chaos of her usual mornings. Not a fly, or her dog, would keep her from finishing the romantic scene she had been engulfed in, since six o'clock that very morning. It wasn't from restlessness that she awoke so early, no — but from the very sun itself that greeted her good morning, and offered her a warm place of solace in her bay window.

The air was still, inviting, and made for a great morning's reading. Nevertheless, she was only able to escape from the world for a short hour. A soft knock sounded against her door frame, one that rattled and tat-tatted before eventually, those same hands opened her door and made her eyes turn away from the withered pages of her novel.

"It's seven miss, Reyna is here to make sure you're ready for us to take our leave for your studies within the minute," Silas, her friend, her loyal protector, had leaned into the room rather hesitantly. He gave the female a small bow of the head when she closed her book. Her face didn't dare show her disappointment, but behind that gentle smile, Rue wanted to solemnly sigh. The book was just getting good, if someone were brave enough to entice the female's interests.

After a few minutes of her maiden tightening the last of her corsets, Rue relaxed her breathing, and gently pushed away Reyna's hands. Ones that held an obnoxiously large dress, that even she didn't want to try on. The maiden and she shared a knowing smile, and with a quick flick of her lips, Rue had permission to wear what suited her tastes. Of course, she'd try her best to avoid her parents with such an outfit on. A delicate, soft white shirt— and with it? A beautiful maroon skirt that didn't drag the floor as she walked.

"You have my thanks, Reyna. Very much so— I will return at an appropriate hour. I promise," Rue reassured, slipping on her favorite coat while exiting her manor. A spacious and grand home surrounded by tall, beautiful spruce trees, soft leaves hedges, and a gated courtyard. All of which Rue would give up, just to have a moment in her novel. A novel she so carelessly snuck with her. The spine of the book tucked snugly within her satchel. She eagerly ran a frail finger up and down the cloth of it, feeling the engraves of the title while she and Silas made their way toward the trolleys.

Silas moved his gaze from the streets over to the female who seemed in a daze as she walked. Her eyes staring forward in a dewy wonderment of her own thoughts. With a soft smile, Silas asked, "Fantasizing again, are we, miss? Still fawning over that new book of yours?" He watched the female's lips tug into an embarrassed smile. She released a soft sigh and pulled a lock of her brown hair behind her ears.

"Yes, actually I am. You should have been there, Silas. They were having a tender moment, and I felt a part of such romance. Love's philosophy scrawled in beautiful scenes, and yet, here I am," Rue reluctantly sighed. She imagined what I'd be like if she were that woman, feeling her lover's hands caress the small of her back as they walked side by side in the comfort of each other's presence. A gentleman of fine tastes asking her if she'd ever been to Paris. She'd reply how silly of a question it was, and he'd say:

"Sometimes your heart can be the closest to what you're farthest from."

Her lips parted at the thought of what her response would have been to those poetic words. Her reading had been interrupted before she had a chance to find out— yet now, while sitting at the back of the trolly next to her dear companion, did her fruitful imagination create its own response:

"The one who loves the moon still loves it when it isn't there in the sky. I wish to be that moon for someone."

"Miss, your parents were— rather hesitant about letting you attend the library after your studies today. Even with my presence, these incidents with people being murdered, well I wouldn't forgive myself if anything were to happen to you." Silas softly whispered, his eyes lingering on Rue's rose-colored cheeks. Her brown eyes watching the passerby with longing.

A longing he's always known for her to have. Such a longing she had when they first met. While Silas had made his official oath to her, and her parents, alongside his brother, to look after the Fomarian daughters with their lives. She was simply in a daze, not present to such matters. No, she was somewhere else in her mind. Somewhere she dreams of often, a place away. Where class didn't matter, and dresses had no corsets. Like her quiet mornings, the air would just... be.

Rue blinked back her solemn tones and stepped off of the trolly with a formal expression to the audience around her. A Fomarian daughter couldn't be seen in such a daze. She'd be considered a mad case, incoherent to reason. She kept close to Silas as they entered the university, her soft voice warily reassuring, "We won't be long there, I just have to make a few purchases. We will be back before the sun says goodnight, I promise."

The pair slowed to a halt outside of her studies room. Students file in past them like they're beautiful wallflowers no one could notice. Rue slipped her novel from the satchel. With a knowing look at her companion, she wished him a gentle goodbye, then turned into the room of prosperous chatter. Silas had watched after her, a transparent look of worry etched on his eyes. The girl stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the others, like the wildflower she was. The one white flower blowing wildly amongst a field of plain red roses.

With a comfortable seat, she took her spare time before the lesson began to open up her novel once more. Her eyes watched as the woman blushed at the man's previous words, and with a soft whisper, she replied:

"I never felt freedom until something divine tied me to you."

Rue felt a tug in her chest as she'd hoped for something similar to that being said. The corners of her lips tugged into a smile, and a content sigh was finally released from her throat. 

What a romantic moment she felt lucky to be a part of. A special moment between the lovers that she watched, and supported with her own fawning desires. The girl glanced up from her book briefly, but after a flicker of someone's gaze on her, she raised her eyes again.

A pair of ocean-blue eyes caught hers. Deep and alluring to her own.

The eyes were almost curious of her, staring into her own honey-brown ones as the seconds ticked by. Rue trailed her gaze over the new face she hadn't encountered before in the class. Black hair tried to hide those eyes from her gaze, accompanied by smooth-looking skin, and full lips that tightened together like the male was internally conflicted. His outfit wasn't something she saw often— but it only enticed her curiosity. A long black coat, with more somber colors.

Another wildflower standing out in the field next to her. The two seemingly different among the boring majority. She had noticed her staring— how rude of her— and quickly she adverted her gaze back down to her book. But still— a hint of a smile threatened her lips, and with a slow gaze, she gave the male one last warm glance before their studies started. The female closed her book with gentle ease and tucked it into her lap. Her peers around her, slowed their chatter to a comfortable silence for the professor to begin his lecture.

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