Forever Friends..Puny! (InosukexChild!Reader)

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Writer-chan's idea~


Next stop٫ fluff


You were just wandering around like the child you are. You didn't know what to do in the forest so you tried to look for something. You really liked pretty flowers and bugs,so you looked for those.

You soon then found a pretty flower. It looked like it was a prairie rose. You loved its contours and dips and color. You plucked it and held it to your chest while continuing your journey for something interesting.

You saw something move out of the corner of your eye. It was really fast,so you couldn't really catch what it looked like other than a moving shadow. You continued walking, finding a pretty ladybug.

It landed on your finger and you awed at it.

You then ate it like the kid you are.

You saw a pretty butterfly right after you swallowed it and followed it. When you lost the butterfly you found yourself in front of a boar. You weren't scared since you at least knew you couldn't die,but the boar wasn't scared either. Instead,it stood up and looked at you,like it wanted you to follow it. You did so but caught up to it to get on its back and let it take you to who knows where.

You occasionally reached out for things going past you as the boar kept walking but since you almost keep falling,you just regain your balance and frown at the things. The boar suddenly stopped and you felt a human presence nearby. You got off and followed the scent of human until you were met with something frightening.

It was a human..with a boar's decapitated head on top.

At this moment you forgot you were immortal and immediately got scared. You ran away while that thing looked at you before unsheathing two swords and ran after you.

While running,you accidentally tripped on a rock and sprained your ankle. You had to keep running,so you got up and kept running while limping as you do so.

You started climbing the nearest tree and hid there. The human scent still lingered in the air,the smell getting stronger as time goes by.

You thought he was gone but when you looked to your side you saw him. You fell out of the tree and hit your back. At this point tears slid down your cheeks as you wondered if this would be your last breath on earth. You closed your eyes, getting ready for the impact but it never came.
You opened your eyes to see him standing right in front of you. He was just standing there (menacingly..) observing you in your defeated state. He sheathed his swords and put his hands on his hips as he cackled like he stole the moon.

"AHAHAHA! Praise me, because I am the king of the mountains! Inosuke Hashibira!"


"Weren't you listening,underling? Whatever,from now on I am your king! You will follow behind me and be my loyal subject!"

"Um..ok..please don't kill me.."

"With how weak you are? That would make me look bad,so you will follow under me instead!"

You wiped your tears and cheered up.

"Okay,what was your name again?"

"Inosuke Hashibira! Remember it!"

"Okay! Lead the way, King Inosuke!"

He started getting all giddy making little white bubbles float around.

"Stop making me all giddy and just follow me!'
He said as he started walking.

You followed him and he brought you to a big patch of grass with bamboo plants nearing the center.

𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒓𝒄 (kny oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now