Shh٫..Just Rest.. (SanemixWeak!Reader)

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Made up by yours truly <3
Also your his tsugoku but to make it not weird your like 20+ or something


"S-Sanemi..Im t-tired.."
You said as you panted. He was training you but it hurt like hell.

"No! You need to keep training! There are more demons which mean that there's a higher chance of death!"
He said.

"I-It hurts..please..I n-need a break.."
You said. You were tired and you felt like you were gonna collapse.

"Keep training. Plus you have a mission tomorrow."
He walked away.

You did as said and you were so out of breath that you started to cough. He came back hours later seeing that you were slowing down.

"You can stop here. Go take a break. You need energy for tomorrow."

You were shaking while walking to your room. It hurt so bad when you moved and you wanted to go to shinobus estate but you knew Sanemi would be irritated because then you couldn't go on the mission.

-6 hours later-

"Wake up٫we need to train so that you dont die on the mission."

"h-huh? Sanemi...Its night..i should stamina is the most important for missions.."

"Strength is better for the demons head. Come on."
He pulled you off and you had trouble standing up but got used to it again.

While you were following him to training grounds you tripped many times.

"Stop falling. Its been hours since you last trained٫its makes you look weak."


"Sane- *cough* Sanemi.. my arms hurt.. p-please.."

"Stop showing weakness! This just helps demons kill you faster! Hurry up and keep swinging."

You started shedding tears because of the pain and your arms were shaking and your legs were wobbling. This kept going on until a sliver of daylight shone on your face.

"Okay. Stop now. You have 4 hours to sleep until our mission should take place٫so go sleep."

The first step you took you fell face flat on the floor and Sanemi came to help you up.

"You need to be more tough than pain. Man up."


He picked you up and carried you back as he thought that would be quicker٫which it was. He dropped you in your bed and you just wanted to sleep away the pain.

-4 hours later-

"Wake up lets go. We have a mission to attend to."

You were tired and your body was throbbing with pain but you still had to go on the mission as sanemi said.

Every step you took you limped but it wasn't recognizable to many. Grueling pain was in your arms but it died off as you kept walking.

"Ok (Y/N)٫we spilt here. Fight off the pain and dont be weak as usual."

"Im not that weak.."

"Then what happened during training that other day? All of my other tsugokus could withstand that٫yet you couldnt."

"OKAY OKAY FINE! Lets just spilt already!"
You were furious at the words he spat at you. Sure٫it was true٫but you dont wanna remember that and be compared to others.

He just scoffed as you turned away and stormed off. While walking you thought to yourself "Am I really weak?" and things similar to that٫giving the demon a chance to attack you.
You barely dodged٫only receiving a scratch on your cheek. You didn't see them much٫you only caught a glimpse of their hair.

𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒓𝒄 (kny oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now