He looked down at me again not convinced. He smiled again, "How about I go get us drinks?"

"Drinks?" I asked

He chuckled, "Punch Hermione"

"Oh" I laughed "I'd like that"

He parted from me, "Then it shall only take a moment." He respectfully bowed his head to me like I was a princess and made his way over to the drinks table.

Luna Approached all smiley, "He seems very fond of you Mione."

My cheeks flush pink at the thought, "Well no, i don't know." That's because, I don't know if I even feel the same way if he ever did indeed admit to liking me.

"How's Neville being?" I asked her

She smiled, "Respectful as ever. He is incredibly kind." Yeah that's sounds about right. I loved that they came together, even if it was only platonic.
I'm happy for both of them.

I looked back at Krum who was pouring the drinks into two cups. Instead my head decided to play tricks on me and he suddenly became Delphini.

Delphini just there, pouring drinks for us both with a proud satisfied smirk on her lips while speaking with other slytherins. Maybe they were debating who had the Finest date. Who they were planning to make a move on. Who they fancied. But all it took was a slight nudge from Luna to bring me back to reality, and there was no longer Delphini there standing by the punch table, not her but Viktor Krum. What if I had asked Delphini to come with me to the Yule ball?Platonic of course. Just like Neville did to Luna. They're friends aren't they? And they still came. But am I even friends with Black? I mean really? I couldn't even answer that for myself. And what would the people even think about seeing us together? Rumors would submerge, I would receive insults from both her house and mine. Mine for being friends with Malfoy's family and hers for being a mudblood. No doubt she too would receive remarks about it. Although I doubt she would care. She would have no issue in shutting them up.

I sighed again, I should focus on my date. Who actually invited me, who actually treats me well. Who is actually present.

Luna nudged me again and this time I looked at her a bit annoyed. The crowd grew silent but music was still playing.

Everyone gazed up at the big staircase. Girls with hands over their mouths. Boys assessing the person who was going down the stairs. Taking each step at a torturing slow pace.


This time it wasn't my imagination, she actually came, she was actually here. My eyes weren't deceiving me, but my thoughts were.

Her dark dress flowed over the stairs as she descended, a cut on the fabric that showed her right thigh, teasing anyone who dared to look at it. To look at her. She seemed to have come out of a fairy tail. The enchanting dress looked like it was designed for her, looked like the maker was inspired by her just to make such a beauty. Like it was meant just for her, no one could wear it better. Because it wasn't for them, but for her.

Her plump lips shined the most stunning color. Her makeup daunting, and her silvery hair wavy pulled to one side. The jewelry complimented her stone like eyes, her aura, they matched the dress. Just like the dress matched her.

Her eyes roamed the room, examining the place. Until her eyes fell upon me.

"She looks.." Luna started

Perfect. I thought but there was no way I would say it out loud. I'd be mad to.

I felt the pressure of her stare and looked away. I cleared my throat, "Yes," I answered Luna even though she never asked anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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