I turned my last corner. I looked at the stone wall and it was just, well a wall. Nothing special about it. Hmm supposedly a door was supposed to appear, so where is it? Let me think, what was it that I read..what was it what was it. It supposedly appears when it feels that you desperately need it. For something, for any need, so let me give it a go.

I closed my eyes and repeated in my head over and over again what I wanted, what I needed. The sound of stones moving made me open my eyes again. And there it is! A giant door faced me with black tracings. Let's see if what they say is true. I pushed the heavy door forward entering the room.

It seemed endless. Furniture climbed over each other so high I couldn't see the end of them. Colored chests were spread across the scenery. Alright where should I even start? I came over one brown dressing table. The mirror was dusty and cracked. I opened the drawers, it showed antic earrings, pearl necklaces that were broken. "Nothing that I could use here." I closed the drawers and kept looking around. There was the green chest, but nothing really interesting inside, just old smelly dresses that looked like they were maidens. I sighed and saw a box in the distant hidden In between chairs and rubbish. It was in the darker side of the endless room. "Lumos." I conjured light from my wand lighting the way. I bent down and removed the chairs and opened the box. There were deep ocean blue crystal earrings with a silver necklace with matching crystals. Rings that paired even a silver bracelet...but no dress. I looked ahead and there was what seemed like a mannequin covered in a white drape over it. It wasn't too far from this box so could it be? I made my way to it and stopped just before it. I waved "Revelio!" The drape flew away and revealed the most beautiful dress.

 I waved "Revelio!" The drape flew away and revealed the most beautiful dress

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My eyes examined the dress and its fabric in awe. "Alright you just need a little wash to remove the dust smell" I smiled. I think I've got my dress.


"Wait up pet" I ordered my augury as it was flying faster then what my human legs could go for. It landed back on my shoulder and was picking at my hair with its beak. "Quit that or we will be heading back inside" it made a funny sound although I could tell it was frustrated from the lack of being out in the open. I sighed, "Go on then roam but you better remain where I can see you, hear me?" It made a happy noise and flapped its wings and took off happily. I'm speaking to him like a mother. Mist appeared, you guessed it I'm going into the forbidden forest at what knows what time it is but it's night time. Why? Well I couldn't sleep especially after getting the dress and I had to let my augury out. Killing two birds with one stone..if she heard me say that it would probably naw at my skin with its peck for the disrespect towards bird species. Ahh I thought him well. My heavy coat was draping over the cold grass as I took in the freshly wood smell.

When I found a good spot I sat down and laid my back against a tree. It's dangerous to stay here especially at this time but there's something here that makes me feel at peace. I place my lantern down and roll out my writing book and started to write anything that came to mind, to how my day went, to poems, to music I should play..I stopped when it seemed a little too quiet. I jerked my face up and groaned where did Eve go now. I shot up at the sound of its calling. Ran even. Shooting fire spells at Tarantula webs and eggs that were in my way. Until a river showed and so did my bird. "What's wrong Eve? You scared me you know that!" I nearly shouted worriedly. It flew away from the ground showing..Render? Render! It was on the ground in pain. I got on my knees and traced the markings. "Who could do this to you?" I waved my wand that was already in my hand from the previous spells I used to get to here. I healed the open wounds the best that I could. "Why are beasts getting hurt in this place? Repeatedly? First the white hippogriff now you? Who else is hurt?" I sighed "Would it be that Granger is right? What if it is deatheaters? Why would they do this? For what cause? Father isn't even back." I mumbled in thought.

I got out a healing potion and tried to make him drink it but to no avail he would not. "Hey I know it doesn't taste the best but it's good for you." He turned his muzzle away rejecting the liquid once more. I rolled my eyes and got an idea. I took a green apple out of my bag and dropped the potion on it. "This should do it." I handed the apple and without even smelling it he ate it. Delphini 1 - Render 0- I chuckled. Alright I finished the touch up on the wounds and they were almost fully healed now. He got right up and looked my face, "Render, I don't like that." He grew weary at my tone which made me feel bad. Wait ME feel..bad? Salazar.. "Okay fine you may...just this once." He made a happy noise and licked my face in gratitude for healing him. "Alright now what Rend?" He gave me a push and looked back at himself. "What?" He pushed me again and did a full circle and looked at his back. "Do you want me to ride you?" He made another noise which told me I was right. "Alright then give me a second"

I looked back at my bird, "Stay near me at all times yes?" I pet its feathers and mounted Render., giving him a few pats too. Its bat like wings widened before he started running and we took off from the ground. "Wow there!" I smiled as I tried balancing myself. This was the first time flying and oh my the view! The cold air hitting me. I looked to my left and saw my augury flying not to far from us. Render suddenly stopped flapping wings and darted down face first. I looked seeing as we were flying on top of the Big lake "Render!! Up! Up!!" We were about to hit the water in a loud and painfully splash when Render spread his wings out again and now we were hogoring just on top of the water. He was taking sips while flying. I grabbed my chest, "If you were thirsty you could've just said so" I breathed out heavily and I shook my face. The adrenaline rush though it was like something I've never felt before.

I feel. Free.

Word count: 1770

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