The sky wasn't clear as a storm was brewing, but the clouds became darker as the forest came closer. It looked like as if the forest caught fire and the dark ashy black smoke filled it's air..except nothing was burning. Only the evil habitat that was filled with monsters and usually dark fairies. But not everything was evil. It is said to be the home of unicorns, beautiful magical creatures and even perhaps a phoenix.
One might just lurk in its caves. But to me, Thestrals are the most beautiful of them all. They're poetically sad. Dark yet one of the kindest creatures. I have still to find one. But it won't be today.

The air grew cooler as I took the first steps inside. The forest is prohibited to everyone especially students, so I don't understand why anyone would willingly come here and put themselves in danger. I for one would, but I'm me and they're..them.

I saw her a few feet in front of me bending down and looking at plants. Touching and even smelling to make sure it was in fact the one she was looking for. When they were she grabbed the herbs and put them inside her bag. I was behind a tree watching her every move, waiting for the right time to strike like a shark that just smelled blood.

She bent down one last time and I saw an opportunity. I used a silencing spell, she's unaware I'm right behind her. I smirked and took my wand out. I guess this will be the end of Hermione Granger, the muggle who changed the wizarding world for the best, or so they say. the muggle born witch that became the minister of magic. Unbelievable. Horse crap in my opinion. Things were fine before she even came along, nothing needed to be changed. And it will stay that way once she's gone. I took a deep breath and did the wand motion with the intent of the killing curse. 'Avada Keda-' i thought before a screeching sound from a- a white hippogriph?! Came from behind cutting me off and it head banged me making me fall on top of Salazar no.

I was pinning her down on the floor, she was already facing me, surely must've turned around as soon as she heard the BUZZKILL of a creature.

Her eyes looked up at mine and her brows knit together with shock, wonder, confusion and something else I couldn't quite catch. "Delphini?"

Great! great bloody wonderful. Now what?

I looked down at her, "Surprise" I said with an upside down grin that looked rather similar to what a kid caught taking an extra cookie when they weren't supposed to would've looked like. Oh please, what else was I supposed to say? 'Oh sorry I just came here to kill you and that stupid creature stopped me. my apologies?' Fuck no.

She could sense the arrogance and grabbed me by my coat "Get off of me" she flipped me around but I hung onto her which made her now the one on top.

She looked down at our current position and tried to completely remove herself I said, I was clinging onto her sides with my hands. She cleared her throat looking anywhere else but down at me. "What are you even doing here?" I let my hands roam freely.

Find an excuse find an- "Well I saw you coming into the forbidden forest, I heard the word  forbidden part quite well better than you at least so I followed to see"

"See what exaclty?" She squinted her eyes.

Screw her. I loomed my face closer to hers and whispered, "To see how long it would take you to get killed by one of the beasts inside it."

She backed her face away from mine and pushed me back down by my chest. I rose a brow at this but let it pass. I placed my hands behind my head, "But I saw something else instead when coming here." I looked down to where she was sitting, that being my crotch. I tilted my head, "Yes..I now see why Potter and weaselbe love to hang out with you so much"

Her red cheeks from the cold got even redder and she got up and turned around. I was surprised that more creatures weren't appearing from how loud I was mischievously laughing, but deep down I was mad, furious even. I was just using jokes and stupid flirtiness to take away from the fact that my blood is boiling right now. I saw her feed something to the white hippogriph.

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