He opened the box showing a caramel colored wand with a sage green handle that swished around it. It looked like a vine capitulating a big tree. He muttered, "The core is dragon heartstring..Silver Lime wood..14 inches long." He handed me the beauty, "Go on dear." I nodded and flicked it..big mistake..I set fire to the shelves. Mr ollivander had to stop it immediately before it got permanent damage. "Merlin's beard you're a hard one to match" I muttered a sorry, one he immediately waved off because it wasn't my fault.

Then there he was trying to find another, same pattern. He goes to the velvet box then drifts away from it..I had to make him hurry up or else mother wouldn't be happy. "Sir excuse me but why do you keep doing that?" He turned around with a smile, "Doing what child?" I pointed at the box, "You look like you're going for that one but then you move away..why?" He scratched the back of his neck, "Oh you noticed that? Apologies it's just sometimes this wand matching mojo that I possess isn't always right, it can't be right." I shrugged, "Why? What's wrong with that wand?" He laughed nervously, "Well that wand is very..complex and it can only belong to someon- well you're young and you seem too sweet and kind to be matched with that one." I rose my eyebrow it question, "Respectfully sir, you don't know me..with all do respect again. I do not mean to be impolite to you." He chuckled, "That's alright. Well I'm sure it can't be your match but we can always try." He then turned around and grabbed the enchanting box. He opened it and the wand was mesmerizing.
He laid it on his palm like it was a display for tourists to admire
He tilted his head slightly to the side while explaining "This wand is shrouded in an aura of mystique and power. Crafted from a deep Yew wood, its handle is tightly wrapped in smooth black leather, exuding an air of sophistication and mystery as you can see." He pointed out with his index before continuing, "The body of the wand is sleek and polished, with intricate designs etched into the surface, hinting at the dark arts for which it is intended. Now Emanating from the core of the wand are swirls of vibrant purple hues, swirling and weaving around the wood, casting an enchanting glow that pulses with an otherworldly energy." I nodded, "I can feel it." The wand looked so vibrant it seemed like it was alive. It was beautiful I could already tell that it's master would be in complete comfort and confidence while holding it. The purple color that seemed like it was moving had black parts to it. Like a liquid that was trapped in the handle. It looked euphoric.

Before he placed it on the table, the wand maker cleared his throat and examined the wand hesitantly once more before he gave it to me, making sure I knew all the information before being in contact with it, "Yes so again, Yew wood

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Before he placed it on the table, the wand maker cleared his throat and examined the wand hesitantly once more before he gave it to me, making sure I knew all the information before being in contact with it, "Yes so again, Yew wood..14 inches long..non flexible and.." he shook his head, "Thestral tail hair core.." I scratched the back of my hand, "Thestral tail hair core? Never heard of such a thing." He chuckled, "Yes understandingly so. The core and the wood are a very funny combination..incredibly rare." I looked back down at the beauty, "How come?" He grabbed a pair of glasses to examin the wood better, "Well Yew wood is incredibly rare and notorious for..it's power and likeness for the dark arts like I said before this is what this wand is most potent for. But don't worry dear it doesn't mean you'll fall into that terrible path, there are as many heroes as there are villains who owned wands with this kind of wood." I nodded understandingly, "And the core sir?" He looked at me in a..if I understand it..what is it? Worry?

"Wands with a core like this are nearly impossible to tame and master, it's an unstable wand core. From my knowledge, only a witch or wizard who has accepted death, are capable of wielding it. It's a tricky wand Ms." I nodded looking back at the door in worry that mother was going to step in at any second. "I understand sir." He nodded, "Good, good. Here you go" he handed me the wand carefully.

It felt comfortable in my grasp, natural even, like the handle was specifically molded for my own palm. As i hold it, i can feel a slight tingle of power at my fingertips, a reminder of the formidable magic contained within.

Ollivander saw my comfort and nodded,
"That wand, although beautiful in its dark elegance, holds secrets and unknown depths that even I don't really know. But it seems ready to unleash its potent magic in the hands of a skilled and determined wielder. It stands as a symbol of the ancient arts, beckoning those who dare to harness its formidable powers. Im curious if that person..is you."

At first nothing happened, something in me rather an urge made me raise the wand in the air with a light swish. That's when a radiant light escaped from the tip of the wand into the air. Purple lightning jolts surround me and a humongous cloud surfaced inside the store, thunder was heard from outside as rain poured with violence. The wand makers eyes went wide and his mouth fell agape in pure shock. I flicked the wand again causing the storm to expand and the jolts around me to become deadly. "Expelliarmus!" And as soon as the storm came, it left. The wand flew across the room and the sun shun threw the blinds of the dark store once more.

"What was that!?" I asked with a smile, still high on the adrenaline that was this new found feeling of power. He let out a big sigh, "Your wand..we've found your wand." I smiled whole heartedly in excitement that I've finally found my wand. He smiled weakly back at me, "Excuse me, give me a moment yes?" I nodded and he went into a back room. I turn back around and picked up my wand. Truly beautiful, I already feel a connection with it. Like it understands my every thought like we share the same brain cells. Oh this is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to try out all the spells I've read about in the library now that I've got my wand! I turn to see that mr ollivander still hasn't come back.

I instinctively followed and heard the man speaking to someone behind a door, "Sir- yes I do understand it's hers bu- sir it's too dangerous for a young girl to possess such pow-" suddenly I heard someone barge in..mother.

"What is taking so long? Have you found your wand girl?" I nodded, "Yes bu-" she grabbed my arm, "Then we're leaving grab your stuff." And just like that I left the store with my first ever wand. And I couldn't be happier.

Word count : 2104

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