28:going to therapy with sam

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Sam:y/n your dad wants me to do therapy with you okay with that?
Y/n:I'm not talking about anything Sam.
Sam: Can you just at least do it for your dads and Loki?
Y/n:fine I'll do it for them but I'm not talking about my biological parents.
Sam:if that's what you want we can do that if you want.
Y/n:thanks for understanding that I don't want to not talk about them.
Sam:no problem now where do you want to go to do it?
Y/n:can we go near the woods please as that's calming for me?
Sam:sure we can go where it is all quiet and just nature.

                     [They go downstairs]

Bucky:кукла, тебе нужен завтрак, так что завтракай сейчас(doll you need breakfast so have breakfast now)
Y/n:прекрасный папа, я сейчас позавтракаю(fine papa ill have breakfast now)
Steve:what are you and Sam doing y/n?
Sam:you know when we talked about the thing with you and bucky?
Bucky:yes we know why?
Loki:what are you three talking about?
Sam:I'm doing it today so we can get started.
Y/n:Sam is doing therapy with me when I don't need it.
Tony: Can I come I wanna see this.
Nat: you're not going Tony as it's not something about you so no.
Thor:why does y/n need therapy?
Y/n:ye why do I need to go to therapy?
Steve:for your health and you aren't really in the best state ever since you found out about your real parent's job.
Bucky:and we think it's for the best for now.
Y/n:fine I'll do it but I'm not happy about this.
Sam:if you do this we can have cookies together.
Clint:she's gonna change her mind isn't she?
Loki:why does that sound like blackmail?
Y/n:are you lying or telling the truth Sam?
Sam:I'm saying the truth and it isn't blackmail.
Bruce:but it still sounds like blackmail Sam.
Loki: Okay I am gonna steal Tony's car so bye.
Y/n:okay go do that.
Tony:reindeer games you better not do it as I would lock you in your room.
Loki:you wouldn't dare do that.
Y/n:is this an argument?
Steve:Okay you two do not fight today.
Pietro:first off Loki started it and Loki just is gonna try and get stark mad.
Sam:y/n let's go now.
Y/n:okay I'm coming Sam.

y/n roger barnes(stuckys Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now