She's not so bad (Tsu'tey's POV)

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How y'all doing?...

Okay okay fine. I am really sorry I haven't posted in what? 2 weekends?

I'm sorry I know I have to get better at posting but I will I promise this is the last time I will promise

So enjoy this chapter and please don't be mad at me 🫣


Tsu'tey's thoughts


It has been 2 weeks since the demons have been with us.

I have been training Adina and surprisingly she has been *sigh* as much as I hate to admit it she had been... a very good student.

She learns quickly and absorbs everything I tell her.

Jake is a moron he is getting it but at a much slower pace then Adina

I have finished training today with Adina and now I'm just relaxing

I hear giggles and I turn around to find Adina surrounded by children who are doing her hair.

She's telling them stories about her life back on earth and I realize I've been smiling at them.

What is wrong with you they are sky people

I walk out of home tree and fine my pa'li Se'li to get me mind off of her.



As I come back from my ride with Se'li I see Adina again but with other women they are making clothes, Adina is making a top with feathers

That'll make her breast look even better

Tsu'tey what the hell is wrong with you?!

You can't like her she is a sky person, besides your promised to Neytiri

Oh Eywa help me

Words 258


Look I'm sorry this is a short chapter but I do have school tomorrow soo yeah

But the next chapter will be long I promise and I and sorry again that I haven't posted that often but I will do better on that

Bye for now my little stars ✨

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