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Adina's thoughts
When they talk

I couldn't believe it had been six years, it felt like a blink of an eye.

Well it feels like I have the worst hangover ever, but I guess that's what happens when you travel light-years through space.

"You've been in cryo for five years, nine months and 22 days. You will be hungry, you will be weak."

It doesn't feel real. Tommy and I were going to go to Pandora together and then... a month before we shipped out he was killed all because of the paper in his wallet.
At least I can be with one of my brothers and not have to go alone. 

Jake and I were at the safety brief, and let me just say I do not like colonel Quartch!
He's talking about the Na'vi like they were the ones that invaded our homeland.

I know we were trying to find a suitable place to live since our earth is dying, but we shouldn't just invade peoples home and expect them to welcome us with open arms when you are destroying their planet killing Na'vi!

When it was over we were greeted by Norm Spellman. Tom and I went to Avatar training with him.


"Hey I haven't seen you in a while how have you been?"

" oh ya know just asleep for 6 years"
We all laughed at that

" your Jake, right? Toms brother."

At the mention of Tom name I get a little sad because he couldn't be here with us. He would have loved it here.

"Wow you look just like him. Sorry, I'm Norm. Spellman. Wen through avatar training with him and Adina."

When we get to the bio lab Jake and I immediately go to the avatars to get a look at them

"Dang they got big"
Jake was right they had fully matured on our way out.

Me and Jake were staring at his avatar it was like we were seeing Tommy again.

While Jake and Norm were talking I went to mine.

She's beautiful. But I was briskly wished away from that feeling when I saw her chest I thought my boobs would be smaller because of the Na'vi avatar but no. I'm stuck with double D's in both bodies.
"Whose got my goddamn cigarette? Guys! What's wrong with this picture?"

Yep that would be Grace Augustine.
I read her book so many times in avatar training. I have it memorized like the back of my hand.

Max one of the scientists introduced all of us to Grace

"Norm. I hear good things about you. How's your Na'vi?"

"May the all mother... smile upon our first meeting."

"Not bad. You sound a little formal."

"How about you Adina?"

"I thank Eywa for allowing me to be on this great planet and learn more about all the wonderful things it holds."

"Very well done Adina. You almost sound like a native"

Oh my gosh Grace just gave me a compliment! Screaming of the inside!!

"Grace this is my brother Jake sully"

"Yeah, yeah I know who you are, and I don't need you. I need your brother"

Okay I'm sorry I look up to Grace but damn didn't have to be so rude.
Excuse me Eywa for my language

I don't know why, but I just got a sensation all over my body. The feeling you get on your skin when you step out into a windy day.
Why do I have chills?

I guess I spaced out because when I came back Grace was asking Jake how much lab training he'd done

" I dissected a frog once."

Oh my god I had to try so hard not to laugh

Grace didn't like that very much

Good going Jake! Grace liked me and now she thinks I have a jarhead brother!

"Here tomorrow, 0800. Try and use big words."

"Thanks for the suggestions Max but Jake couldn't even spell Pandora if he wanted to"

After that comment I felt a pinch on my arm

"Ow! Jake! That hurt!"

"Well than don't insult me" 

"I wasn't I was telling the truth"


692 words

Well this is chapter 1 I had a lot of fun writing it and I may or may not have been watching avatar to get the words correct.

I hope you like reading this i I hope to get another chapter of them linking up tomorrow

If anyone have any suggestions I would love them because I want to include your ideas in this story to add new things

Bye for now little stars ✨!

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