【 VI 】moring sickness

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'ring ring ring... '
The alarm say's as it continues to chim as it continues to ring loudly, as the sound of heavy metal hitting metal as it continues ringing loudly as it does throughout the whole dorm room waking the Blonde.
He continues to let out a small groan as he hits the off button on the Small Alarm snoozing it as he does.

As he continues to sit there in his bed blinking slightly for a while before finally letting out another groan as he sits up,
yawning as he stretches his arms as he does so.
he continues to look over at the Alarm before looking over at his Roommate as he squints his eyes Slightly, as to fix or make his vision better to see with.

'... I should probably get ready soon... ' the Blonde thinks to himself before sighing as he gets up off of his bed as he makes his way towards his and Kagiura's shared closet. (As he tried to pull something out of the closet-and failed miserably.)
" Fuck.. " he says swearing slightly under his breath as he let's out an long sigh as he realizes he didn't wake up his Roommate yet.
(Luckily for him-)

He than continues to give up his dream of grabbing his stuff out of the closet as he makes his way towards the Bathroom instead as he continues to get ready for the long day of classes today.
he continues to silently walk out of the bathroom before looking over at his Roommate one last time,

before making his way over Towards his Underclassmen,
As he gets down on his knees kneeling right besides his Black Haired Roommate's bed as he looks over at the male. (He could've sworn it got hot all of a sudden...) he continues to let out an sigh before smiling softly as he let's out a small chuckle as he pats his Roommate on the head softly, making sure not to disturb him to much-not that it mattered he'd wake him up either way.

" hm... hirano-san?... " the Male say's sleepily as he relaxes into the Warm feeling of the Blonde's hand on his Head, enjoying the touch from the male, as he continues to open his eyes and close them.

The Blonde only continues to smile even softer as he speaks softly as he continues to ruffle the Male's Black hair.
" hey Kagi-kun it's time to get up... You have practice to also right? "
The Blonde say's as he tries to Pull away his hand, Which of course Kagiura had pulled on as he continued to force The Blonde's hand back on to his head patting his head softly

"... Hm Hirano-san's so warm... " the Other Male says as he takes the Blonde's hand creasing his own face with it as The Blonde continues to stare at the Black Haired Male.
The Blonde's cheeks only continued to turn an lovely shade of red as the Blush slowly grew on the male's face, also making the tips of the Blonde's ear's go red as he does so.

" w-what!?... Hey cut that out! " the Blonde says slightly embarrassed as he Quickly pulls his hand away. (Which of course makes the other Male let out an whine when he does so-)
He only continues to Pout as the Blonde continues to scold the Male.

"... look at the time you should be getting ready now " the Blonde says letting out an sigh as he gets up making his way towards the door.
" I'll see you have practice than? "
He says looking over at his Roommate awaiting an response,
" ah actually.. I don't feel to good today Hirano-san... I'll just stay home today-"
The male say's as he let's out an small cough.

The Blonde only continues to let out an small 'Hm' in response to the his Roommate's response as he quietly closes the door after him, making sure to lock it before he left as he made it way Towards the main school Building.

- ♡ -

The Black Haired male only continues to let out an Painful groan as he turns over on his side, facing the wall as he continues to try and not pass out right then and here from exhaustion, even if he didn't stay up all night studying or anything last night he was still very tired this morning, it was probably from his cold or something.

He really didn't wanna join pass our, he was waiting for the Blonde to return.
He really wanted to be up when he got back-but his body just really wasn't having it, but it doesn't help that he felt extremely terrible and unwell as of right now.
It really didn't... It only made me feel even worse-maybe he should've went to school or something and just went to the nurse... He should probably eat something,
or maybe even drink something. His throat was quite dry and he did feel quite hungry.

Not that he thought he could eat anything in this sate,
After all he could barely move his fingers, or at the very move around freely anyways.
It didn't matter he would probably go see the nurse or something later... That wasn't really his problem right now, it was Future Kagiura's problem now, that is if he went or not that is.

Hours flew by like seconds before the male could realize-the door had closed almost as soon as it was opened, he only continued to let out an groan at the sudden burst of sound.
As he tries to turn around, but of course he only ended up hurting himself as he fails at trying to move.
" ... Hello...? " he says hoping his voice didn't sound as bad as it felt, his throat was very much dry and he didn't feel like talking it made him feel dizzy and it made his Throat hurt to talk.

" ... " nothing, maybe he was just hearing things....? Was there really none there... He couldn't really check and see if there was anyways-maybe he did just hear things...
well That was until he heard footsteps approaching his bed, of course that made his slightly jump not expecting it, but than again he continued to bink slightly as he tried to speak-which didn't happen as an finger was put over his lips to prevent him from speaking.

" no speaking... You're Throat must hurt right? "
He only continued to let out an sigh of relief as he relaxed at hearing the Blonde's soft voice, it was so full of concern for him... It made his heart jump slightly in his chest.
The Blonde only continues to let out an small 'Hm' as he put his hand over the Male's forehead while touching the Black Haired male's touch softly, almost as to cool down the Male's face slightly in an way. (While it did feel nice and cold it only made the poor boy's face heat up even more...)

Why was he even scared...? Of course Hirano was the one who had entered there Room... No one else could anyways, well besides the dorm manger that is..
maybe he had just not expected it cuz he was so out of it...?
It didn't matter the male didn't want to think anymore it just made him feel all dizzy and stuff.

The Blonde continues to sigh softly as he smiles as he pulls his hand away (which of course made the other male once again whine when he did so, which only made the Blonde chuckle at his reaction.
he could of swon he heard Hirano said something ong the lines of 'cute... ' or something but maybe he was just hearing things...he sorta hoped he didn't thought.
The Blonde only Pat him on the head before turning around to face him.

" hey I'm going to get you some medicine and stuff Kay...? Hang in there for a bit "

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