【 II 】this strange feeling...what is it?

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Hirano's alarm rang loudly, the sound filling the blonde's ears as he let's out a groan as he continues to lazily hit the 'snooze' button on the alarm clock,

he continues to let sit up lazily before stretching out his arms over his head, letting out a low yawn.

As he rubs his eyes slightly before silently getting up and making his way to the bathroom quietly (obviously trying not to wake his roommate up to early-) turning on the light with his finger and closing the door behind him, as he continues to start brushing his teeth,

Before he moves onto washing his face-making sure afterwards to take a white face towel to dry his face softly. as he continues to look at himself in the mirror as he fixes his hair silently.

making sure to comb though thought his hair with his fingers, trying his best to get all the knots out as he smooths out his hair,

before finally, making his way out of the bathroom before, getting dressed and grabbing his bag from the side of his desk, making sure to look over at the mini alarm clock on his bedside table

It read '7:13 am' hirano let out a soft sigh before smiling to himself.

guess it's time to wake kagi-kun up than, hirano thought to himself before walking over to the his roommates bed, as he leans down right next to the Younger Male's head,

as he continues to wait there for a bit before finally leaning in the other male's ear as he gently snacks his body.

" hey kagi it's time to wake up now... " Hirano says softly, as he looks down at the other boy's peaceful sleeping face
(he looked so adorable resting like this... Drool was falling out of his mouth as he continued to snore softly, not that the blonde would ever admit that out load!)

" hey... Kagi wake up " the blonde says once again trying to wake up the sleeping male, it was no use.

It appeared that the male was actually sleeping this time, this was no good-the blonde thought to himself as he continued to sigh as he admired his roommates sleeping face.

Heat was already slowly starting to spread to the blondes fave before he knew it, why was he reacting this way...?
it was weird... He felt all fuzzy and warm inside..

Maybe he was catching a cold..? He thought to himself before putting a hand up to his throat... It felt a little sore he guessed..
And his face was lost differently burning up,

maybe he should stay home today... It's best not to get anyone else sick,

The male only sighed as looked back at the make, he was starting to feel light headed now... Just Great.

" kagi wake up.. " the make says once again, this time a little more presidentially and sharply leaning into the other Younger male's ear once again,

His nose only continued to twitch as he felt the other boy's hair hit his nose as the other boy slowly starts waking up as he let's out a yawn, looking back over at hirano with a concerned look on his face.

" hirano.... Wha..? You're face looks so red... Are you sick!? " the boy says looking slightly panicked,

" it's fine... I'll just stay in the dorm today and take some medicine before taking a nap.... " the blind says once again before speaking once again,

" you should probably get ready now, it's almost 8 am now, so get ready or else you'll be late

The make says covering the lower half of his face as he turns away from the other male, his face was still burning, Maybe he'd go see the nurse later today if he didn't get better on his own.

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