"I don't think so Nova" he grabs me throwing me over his shoulder before running out the back door and towards the lake behind the Weasleys garden.

"Charlie please. I'll be nice. I'll never say a mean word about you again" I try pleading although we're already soaked from the rain so the lake won't make much difference.

"You couldn't go a day without saying something" he continues running towards the lake, stopping at the edge. Moving me so I'm in his arms and no longer over his shoulder.

"Charlie don't please"

"What do I get if I don't" he sends me a cheeky smile.

"What do you want"

"The truth"

"About what"

"How you feel about me"


"Just tell me Nova is it really that hard" he places me down so my feet are on the ground, his hands resting on my hips.

"Why you'll never feel the same so why do I need to say it"

"And how do you know I don't feel the same Nova" he sounds slightly angry.

"Because you're you I mean look at you, you're amazing and I'm me, a freak with horrid scars who struggles to control her powers"

"Are you being serious right now. Aurora Potter you are amazing. You're the same girl who puts everyone before herself, you got attacked protecting Harry, Ron and Hermione for crying out loud. That scar doesn't change that. Your powers are beautiful you just need to see that for yourself. You are definitely not a freak. You're sarcastic and funny, you get on with everyone even Percy which takes a lot of skill. I'm in love with you Aurora Nova Potter I have been since you were in your third year, even before that I just didn't know what it was I was feeling"

"You love me?"

"I do, now it's your turn to be honest"

"I love you too. I have since I met you. I only dated Ollie because I thought you'd never feel the same so I tried to move on and I thought I had and then I'd get a letter from you and realise I hadn't" he puts his arms around my waist pulling me into him "so does that mean you're not going to throw me in" I smirk at him.

"Yeah you're lucky" he looks down at me before leaning down his lips finding mine. Our lips moulding perfectly as we deepen the kiss before he pulls away. "I can't believe I've waited this long to do that"

"Me either" I shiver slightly.

"Come on lets get inside its freezing" He goes to walk but I pull him back to me giving him another kiss quickly before he pulls me back towards the house and into the kitchen, doing a quick spell to dry us both before we walk back into the living room where everyone is still sat.

"Guess he didn't throw you in then" Bill says as he sees us enter.

"Shut up pillock" I go sit on one of the empty sofas as Charlie takes a seat next to me. I place my legs across his lap as I look around. Harry was polishing his Firebolt, the broomstick servicing kit Hermione had given him for his thirteenth birthday open at his feet whilst Fred and George were sitting in a far corner, quills out, talking in whispers, their heads bent over a piece of parchment.

"What are you two up to?" said Mrs. Weasley sharply, her eyes on the twins.

"Homework," said Fred vaguely. Really Fred homework of all the lies.

"Don't be ridiculous, you're still on holiday," said Mrs. Weasley.

"Yeah, we've left it a bit late," said George.

In love with a Weasley (Charlie Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now