🥀🌺Already Home (Kalim Al-Asim x FtM!reader)🌺🥀

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Requested by: BarneyxLogs

I hope this is what you wanted! Please enjoy!

Word count: 316


He couldn't see why they couldn't understand. Tears streamed down Y/N's face, and he wiped them off on his sleeve as he walked. He didn't want Kalim to see him like this. Sweet Kalim who could light up a whole room with his smile and personality.

Y/N had come out to his parents that night, thinking they'd still accept him as their child, but that's where everything started to fall apart. In their eyes, he wasn't old enough to make the 'decision' but they didn't realize that this wasn't him making a decision. The only 'decision' he made was to be himself so he could truly be happy. And it wasn't like he was a child. He was practically an adult.

He eventually made it to Kalim's place and fell almost bonelessly into his boyfriend's loving arms, and Kalim happily held him, just chatting about random things that happened to him that day, trying to find a way to keep Y/N's mind off of things.

"I need a place to stay..." U/N said softly. "I was kicked out."

"No," Kalim said. "That place was never home for you. Home is where you are happiest and safest. Home is filled with people who love and care for you. That place was never home so they didn't kick you out. They freed you, darling. Your home is here, with me. You have always been home. You just never realized it."

Y/N looked up at his boyfriend who smiled softly as he kissed the tear tracks that had dried on Y/N's cheeks.

"Are you sure, love?" He asked Kalim.

His boyfriend laughed and nodded, "Of course, it won't be any trouble at all. I love you too much to leave you in the cold, and I would love for you to live with me."

"I love you too, Kalim. Thank you so much."

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