Episode 5: Alliance

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Daredevil meets with a cop called Officer Bolton that is also against Batman, for the reason that he is doing the police's job for them and that he's not being able to do more to help the city, and that he's being paid less because of it. The cop agrees to convince a few of his other cop friends to set up a trap for Batman whilst also getting some real criminals at the same time; a few of Fisk's men. Turns out the cops have an undercover operative working in the city and they can use the intel he's gathered to arrest a bunch of Fisk's men and take down Batman.

Batman receives a tip-off about the cops' sting operation and decides to watch over it just in case it goes awry. It does but Daredevil gets in his way and the two fight ending in a stalemate. Meanwhile, the undercover cop is found out and killed and Batman and Daredevil are trapped in the room with a bunch of Fisk's men. They agree to team up to get out and they do, only for Batman to escape.

Daredevil interrogates Bolton and discovers he was working for Fisk the whole time and the whole sting operation was a trap set to get the undercover cop out of the operation. As he's about to start talking more, he's shot by a sniper that Daredevil can't pinpoint the location of.

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