Oʟᴅ Hᴀʙɪᴛs Dɪᴇ Eᴀsʏ

673 45 10

Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6

"One moment!" You called downstairs as another knock reverberated through the room.

You were descending the stairs as quick as you could, heels bashing against the bare wood. One last knock came at the door before you reached it. Then opened it.

For a second you were confused, no one was at the door. That was, until, you looked down. Coming face to face with the innocent eyes of two little children. One boy, one girl.

"Hello Miss, we came to see Russia!" The little girl squeaked, her body bouncing in excitement. Beside her, her male companion nodded enthusiastically, looking just about as ready to burst as she did. It took you a moment to fully comprehend what lay before you. As you stood opening and closing your mouth like a blubbering fish.

"Uh well, he's upstairs at the moment. So why don't you come back late-" "But Miss, we walked all the way here just to see him, can't we stay for at least five minutes?" The little girl gushed, her face fraught with disappointment.

"We promise we won't be trouble." The boy said as the girl nodded wildly in agreement.

You turned around to catch a peak inside, wondering if Russia would appreciate the company or not. You had a feeling he wouldn't but thought it would be best for him to have at least a little. They were only kids and you really didn't want to hurt their feelings. You let a sigh escape your lips, then stepped aside. "Be my guest."

The kids wasted no time in shoving past you and clambering up the stairs, laughing at each other. You shook your head as you closed the door with a soft click, 'kids these days...'

You followed after them, simpering to yourself at the sounds of them laughing above you. They must be in the bedroom already, as you could hear a rather stressed-sounding Russia asking them where they came from.

Once you caught up and stood leaning against the stair's bannister. You couldn't help but giggle. Russia was holding the girl in front of him so he could look at her at eye level. His arms were completely outstretched, keeping her an arm's length away from him. Her feet kicked in mid-air as she giggled uncontrollably. The boy was at Russia's feet, staring up at his friend in amazement. You could imagine he was thinking about when it was his turn to be lifted.

But he was much more quiet than the girl was. So he stood politely at the country's feet, not saying a word but smiling widely.

"Russia," you called out, opting the country to turn and face you, "this is Maya and Aiden." Upon hearing her name being introduced, Maya waved at Russia and squeaked out a loud, 'hi!' The country winced at her volume, then placed her down. Turning to you he asked, "Are zese your kids?"

You shook your head, not bothering to explain to him that you didn't have any. "You met Maya yesterday, remember? She was the one who latched onto your leg." Russia seemed to think for a moment before the silence was broken by the girl's high voice. "Hey! You never answered my question."

Russia's nervous eyes flew to you as if he wanted you to tell him how to respond. But you just shrugged and walked around the bannister. Pushing yourself up to sit on it and watch what was about to unfold. Russia threw you a betrayed look.

"Didn't you marry America?" Maya questioned, her round eyes wide with excitement. Russia choked on air as he heard those words. Clearly not prepared for her to say anything of the sort. "Where did you hear zat? I don't even like zat pig."

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