An 18 Carut Run Of Bad Luck.

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A/n: Gee I wonder what that titles a reference to

Lunch continued on like a normal, Jinx, Ekko and I talked about various things like the newest Knives Out movie. When suddenly I was caught off guard by a question Ekko asked.

Ekko: So Y/n, what is your talent?

Y/n: it's hard to explain

I should explain what Talents are, everyone has one, they allow us to be good at something, like our own super power, though it was nothing magical more scientific, Talents are hereditary. If your parents have two different traits then it's a gamble on which one you get, but if you have parents with the same Talent then it's basically guaranteed for you to get that Talent. Though there is a 0.1 in 100 chance that your talent mutates and ends up being something completely different.

Jinx: Nonsense! I'm sure it's interesting

Y/n: My talent is... Advanced Analysis.

Ekko: What?

Y/n: I'm really good at analyzing things and figuring things out with the data at my disposal

Jinx: Prove it!

Y/n: I don't think that's necessary

Ekko: No trust me it is, what am I thinking of?

Y/n: I'm not a mind reader

Ekko: Fine, what do you reckon the K/DA are talking about?

Y/n: Hmm.

Happy Expressions, Smiles, Paying attention, looks of mild confusion and immediate understanding. Conclusion: Some sort of School Event.

Y/n: Some school event

Ekko: The assembly I'll bet.

Y/n: there's an assembly today?

Jinx: Yup, midterm announcements, you're lucky, you'll learn about the things this school has to offer pretty quickly

Y/n: interesting


Intercom: students please report to the assembly

Ekko, Jinx, Lux and I headed to the assembly, we took our seats in the auditorium and waited for it to begin.

Suddenly a fox Vastayan came on the stage with a cheery smile, she received some clapping.

Ahri: Hello Riot Academy! It's me your 4th year class President! And future Council President! Remember to vote! Ahem, anyways we've got a few things to go over involving midterm activities. The first thing is the Chemistry labs will be temporarily unavailable for rebuilding since the incident of last term, soccer tryouts will be next week so if you're interested go hit some goals. The science and math clubs will be hosting tryouts and aiming for the championship, go get our 420th trophy! Anyways that's it

A/n: It's called Soccer and The Metric System isn't real, fight me.

This Ahri person exited stage left and the principal got on the stage and started giving some address, I eventually had to use the bathroom and decided to exit the auditorium to use it, after finishing my nature calls session, I exited the bathroom to see the K/DA Group and what I can assume are The Generals standing there in the hallway, none of them seemed to notice me.

Tense atmosphere, glares, on guard body language. Conclusion: Street meeting

Ahri: you're shutting down the recording studio? Was the Chemistry Lab not a big loss already?

Sett: We're not happy about it either love, but until this rat is found we can't take any chances

Evelynn: Ah yes the rat, what exactly did he find anyways that would make you so afraid?

Leblanc: You should be afraid to, whatever the rat found isn't just damming to Mordekaiser but also you as well

Ahri: Then you better stop them before they release it

Viktor: I don't think they will

Akali: What do you mean?

Viktor: It's quite simple, the rat has the information but they are afraid, they know the damage that evidence could do but they also know the consequences, Emperor Mordekaiser would burn this school down in retaliation

Kai'Sa: Because he'd have nothing left to lose...

Viktor: Exactly

Yone: But that still leaves the question of who was working with the rat in the chemical lab to create the thermite to blast into the special room?

Yasuo: We'd certainly like to know

Evelynn: are you accusing one of us?

Yone: Your dorm is close to the chemical lab, and Akali is versed in minor chemical knowledge

Akali: Excuse me?!

Ahri: It wasn't Akali! As Viktor said we'd have to much to lose

Yone: I suppose

Yasuo: I guess

I got the feeling I really shouldn't be listening to this conversation, I tried to walk away but before I could the one called Leblanc appeared in-front me sending me to a halt.

Leblanc: Well what do we have here? A little eavesdropper

All eyes landed on me immediately, some of shock and others annoyance.

Sett: An eavesdropper? Is he working with the rat?

I felt myself being immediately picked up by the collar.

Sett: Talk! Who is the rat that got his hands on our classified documents?!

Y/n: Wha?! I don't-

Viktor: He's not working with the rat you idiot, look at his uniform, he's new.

Dairus: What did you hear runt?

Y/n: Nothing!

Dairus: Not a very good liar are you?

Y/n: Ok! I heard everything! I'm sorry, I'll just pretend like I didn't

Viktor: That's not how that works, you are a liability.

Ahri: Boys.

Sett: What should I do with him?

Leblanc: Hey! I found him I should get to do something to him!

Viktor: Dairus?

Dairus: Fair is fair, Leblanc found him first, let her deal with the kid

Sett: Fine.

The Sett guy dropped me as I stood there terrified staring at the clown with a giant hammer.

Leblanc: Sorry kid, I know from where your standing it looks like you've been hit with an 18 Carut Run of Bad luck.

Yasuo: a Fallout: New Vegas reference? Really?

Leblanc: shut up, don't worry kid you won't die, but this is gonna hurt!

Everything went black. I awoke in the infirmary with Ekko, Lux and Jinx standing at my bed side.

Y/n: What happened?

Ekko: You tell us, we found your body on the floor in the hallway.

Lux: What do you remember Y/n?

Y/n: I remember The Generals and the K/DA having some sort of meeting and then Leblanc knocked me out.

Jinx: We told you not to mess with them

Y/n: Surely there are cameras that saw that right? The teachers should give her a detention at least

Ekko: that's not how it works Y/n, we told you this, people like Leblanc own the school

Lux: That's-

Y/n: That's bullshit.

Ekko: Unfortunately it isn't, there's nothing we can do

Y/n: Well, there might be something...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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