"Don't see that every day-"

"Oh, there they are! How was the ride up?"

We turned our heads, seeing Mr. Stark approaching us. He exuded this cool aura that just made me look up to him even more. Though I don't know why we're here, I still made sure I took everything I could in.


"Give me a minute with them."

Happy looked shocked to hear what Tony said


"Yeah. I gotta talk to them."

Still not believing it, Happy's mouth was slightly agape.

"I'll be close behind."

"How about a loose follow, alright? Boundaries are good."

Tony puts his arms around our shoulders and begins walking.

"Sorry I took your suits. I mean you had it coming. Actually turns out, it was the perfect sort of tough-love moment you guys needed, right? To urge you on, right? Wouldn't you think? Don't you think?"

"Yeah, yeah I guess so."

"Something along those lines, sure."

"Let's just say it was."

Tony patted my shoulder and the three of us continued walking, ending up at a door.

"Mr. Stark I-" Peter spoke but was briskly cut off

"You screwed the pooch hard, big time. But then, you did the right thing. You took the dog to the free clinic, raised the hybrid puppies- okay not my best analogy. I was wrong about the both of you. Think with a little more mentoring, you'll be great assets to the team."

He patted our shoulders again and walked up to the solid door.

"To the- to the team?"

"Wait you mean-"

"Yeah, anyway, there's about fifty reporters behind that door. Real ones, not bloggers."

He tapped his watch twice and the big door opened revealing two pristine looking suits. Wait, that's my suit!

I physically gasped at the blue suit, mesmerized by the new details and material.

"And when you're ready, why don't you try those on? And I'll introduce the world to the newest official members of the Avengers: Spiderman and Frost."

Peter and I take in our suits, him stammering at the sight.

"So after the press conference, Happy will show you to your rooms, your new quarters. Where are they, next to Vision?"

"Yeah, Vision's not big on doors."

Happy replies to the last part of what Tony says and Tony just brushes it off

"It's fun."

"Or walls."

"You'll both fit right in."

I brush my hand against the material, the cool temperature satisfying my fingertips.

That's when Peter turns to Mr. Stark saying something I didn't think would come from him.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark. But I'm good."

My eyebrows furrowed and I turned to the two, genuinely shocked at what I heard.

"You're good? Good? How are you good?"

"Well, I mean, I'm... I'd rather just stay on the ground for a little while. Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. I've got some.. thinking to do as Peter too."

Mr. Stark takes off his glasses quickly and looks Peter in the eyes

"You turning me down? You better think about this."

He points to Peter's suit

"Look at that. Look at me. Last chance, yes or no?"


"Okay. It's kind of a Springsteen-y, working class hero vibe that I dig. Uh, Happy will take him home. Yeah?"

"Yeah. Mind waiting in the car? I need a minute."

Peter politely smiled and stuck his hand out

"Thank you, Mr. Stark."

"Yes, Mr. Parker. Very well."

"See you around."


Peter starts to leave, but then stops and turns to Tony

"That was a test, right? There's, uh, nobody back there?"

"Yes, you passed. All right, skedaddle there, young buck."

Hmm... I can hear quite a few voices behind that door.. No way does that mean-!

"Thank you, Mr. Stark. Thank you."

"Yeah, thank you."

Once Peter finally walks out I turned to Mr. Stark the same time he turned to me.

"And what about you?"

"You're kidding right? Thank you so much Mr. Stark I really am grateful for the new suit... So how about I put it on and we go talk to those reporters."

Mr. Stark smiled and gestured to my suit. I quickly clicked the button in the middle and the whole thing retracted. No way!!(home)

I placed it on my chest and it formed around me.

"Hello, Y/n"


Peter's suit slid back into wherever it was and the door opened to the crowd of reporters all bustling. I grinned behind my blue mask and quickly made my way out


Now rereading another note my father left me, I sat on the side of my bed without saying anything. That's when a knock sounded through my room.


I quickly got up and saw him waving to me through my window. Once it was open I spoke.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Y/n I just... I wanted to swing by and uh see how you were doing."

"I'll be fine."

"Great, yeah that's good.."

We sat in silence for a while before it was broken by Peter

"Could I come in?"

"Actually, I think it's better if you don't... Peter I don't mind being superhero partners or whatever but.. I don't know maybe it's best if we stayed just that."

"Y/n, even though I let my feelings get the best of me and this may not make a difference but I want you to know that I'm sorry..."

I sighed

"...I accept your apology. Goodnight, Peter."

"G-goodnight, Y/n.."

And I closed my window with a soft click.

"Who was that?"

I quickly spun around holding my hand out but quickly realized who I was looking at, which in run shocked me more.

"Eliora!? What the f-"

AND THATS THE ENDDDD WHOOP WHOOP LMAOO IT TOOK ME WAY WAY WAY TOO LONG TO FINISH THIS BUT I GOT IT DONE!! i do want to formally apologize though, that was not a slow update like the book title suggests :/ I love you all and I hope you guys enjoyed this <33

Spider-Man: Homecoming (BoyxBoy) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now