"And then you landed in the hospital?"

"Sorry, it wasn't my intention to make you worry, I hope Grandma isn't aware?"


"I'm sorry for yelling and I want to thank you." She sighed.

"For what?"

"For taking a stand for me against mother-in-law, I eavesdropped yesterday but it wasn't intentional, I was just coming to call you when heard you thanks." She smiled.

"Don't thank me, I just said that too...


"Just forget it and rest."

"Okay." She smiled tucking herself back to bed.

It's hard to admit, but seeing her smile was a treat to watch.

Her smile always radiates her face and then it makes it hard for me to get angry at her.

"Was this?" I point at the shopping bag beside her.

Not that I was interested in knowing what it was, but I just wanted to end the awkward silence between us.

"It's food, Abdul brought it earlier, I haven't opened it yet, but I guess it's something nice, do you want to eat? Are you hungry?"

"You accepted his food but not my ice cream?"

"Do you want to eat?" She ignored my question bringing the food closer to me.

"Do you despise me that much?" I sighed.

"Can we just be a normal adult for five minutes without an argument? Do you want to eat?"

"I will get something better to eat." I sighed.

Suddenly, I was tempted to trash the food just like she triggered me to trash my ice cream, and in a second, I trashed the shopping bag into the waste bin.

"What did you do?" She yelled.

"Can't you see that I trashed it? The food restaurant isn't healthy, and you're the reason why I wasted fifty thousand on an ice cream that ended up in the bin, so it's tit for tat," I smirked.

"How do you know the food isn't healthy? Oh wait, are you jealous I accepted Abdul's food, not yours?"

"Jealous? I will never, you both suit yourselves, excuse me, I'll grab dinner."


Habiba's POV:

"I don't know what gets into him." I sneered at the dustbin.

The food was good, but he trashed it away, he did that with the ice cream as well.

I didn't mean to refuse the ice cream, but I was wishing he refused to accept them back, and then I'll take them behind his back, but he choose to trash this as he did with the Ice cream.

"What a wasteful man!" I scoffed.

I kept grumbling at the trash bin when I recalled his bitter expression when I told him Abdul bought the food for me.

His face was normal not until I mentioned Abdul's name, I could say he was jealous and lately, he is less harsh with me.

He loses his temper whenever Abdul comes into the picture.

Realizing this made me unbelievably happy, I was pleased he reacts angrily to his illusion that Abdul and I were a thing, seeing that was a treat to watch.

"He is jealous." I smiled.

He should keep assuming Abdul is my lover, maybe through that he might realize he has a soft corner for me as Amina and her friends said." I smiled at my thought.

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