"I'm okay, I promise." Michael schooled his voice, containing the nerves behind a thick layer of soothing calm. "How are you feeling?"

He felt Luke shrug against his shoulder. "I've been better, but I've also been worse."

A rippling pang of sadness rocked through Michael at Luke's admittance, but he clamped it down, instead focusing on his hand that came up to stroke comfortingly through Luke's curls at the nape of his neck. "Have I told you how proud of you I am?" It seemed to be the magic words Luke needed to release all of the tension from his body, his shoulders drooping the slightest bit in relief and Michael squeezed the back of his neck delicately. "You're so strong, Lu."

Luke squeezed his hand back three times, almost like he was tapping out a code that Michael had yet to decipher. "Have I told you how proud I am of you?" The younger boy countered, and Michael's hand that was carding through Luke's curls froze.

"I know being at the hospital must not have been easy for you... and I appreciate you putting that aside for me." Luke's voice was quiet, even though they were the only two in the car, and Michael was sure it was because a piece of Luke hoped he wouldn't hear. He was positive that if he could see Luke right now he'd be looking away from him, all red cheeked and small smiles.

Michael suddenly flashed back to one of their late night readings, when he'd thought Luke had fallen asleep against the wall so he'd just let himself talk, finally having an outlet for all of the insecurities and pain and embarrassment he'd been feeling since the accident. He'd talked and talked, about the feeling of waking up without his sight, of learning how to navigate his apartment, how he'd been terrified of hospitals ever since, not even being able to bring himself to enter one when his grandmother fell and broke her hip. He'd been so embarrassed about admitting this out loud at the time, his only saving grace being that he assumed Luke was asleep. And while he should have felt mortified that Luke had been awake the whole time, hearing every confession Michael had been too scared to admit while he was conscious, he actually felt light. He'd been carrying it with him for so long, it was nice to know someone finally knew, understood how he was feeling.

It was Michael's turn to shrug, letting himself focus on the soft papery thin texture of Luke's skin and the smooth ringlets that tangled between finger tips.

"I guess I just.. Didn't let myself think into it," He tried to sound casual, but knew Luke would see right past it. "I knew if I did I wouldn't be able to be there for you and I wanted to. Needed to."

Luke was quiet and Michael's mouth was bone dry as he waited for the other to respond. Before long Michael could hear a sniffling next to his ear. A quiet, muffled sound that pulled at the pit of Michael's stomach. Before he could ask if Luke was okay, the boy spoke up.

"So, ready to meet the rest of my family?"

"If they're anything like you I'm not sure I'll ever be ready, but I am excited."

Michael was right; the moment he stepped into the Hemmings household for the first time, he knew. There was no preparing for the chaos that was 4978 Nichols Rd, but he also wouldn't have it any other way. The trepidation that had followed him step by step up the house immediately dissipated the moment they crossed the threshold.

Cherish and Ty had been the first to greet them at the door, buzzing from excitement and hardly able to stand still. Michael could feel how happy they were to see Luke and how much willpower and lecturing from Liz it took to keep them from launching into his arms. After a few rushed questions and excited yells, their interest in Luke quickly turned on Michael.

"Hi!" Cherish's voice was extra loud as she turned towards Michael. "Who are you?"

Michael smiled as Luke squeezed his arm encouragingly. "I'm Michael. What's your name?"

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