1. Wilhelm's thoughts

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⚠️:❕( I know, I'm sorry)

- Will! I've had enough. I want to break up. I never want to see you again!

- Simon, please wait!
- Not Wilhelm. You do not understand?! Enough. You ruined my life. I never loved you! You were my horrible boyfriend! You were so good to Erik that he finally got away from you! You must have driven him crazy too!- Simon said as he ran out the door.
-Simon! Wait! Stop!

That's it. Wilhelm fell to his knees as he saw the love of his life die on the road. Not only Simon, but also Erik was on the scene. Wilhelm couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't do anything about what happened.

He just stood and watched as the most important people in his life died before his eyes. He heard no sound, only the sound of the car. He buried his face in his hands and began to cry. Trembling to hum. He couldn't see or feel anything right now except pain.

Then he finally got up. It was also just a horrible nightmare. Now that Simon is not by his side, these nightmares come back much more often.

Wille sat up in his bed and cried. Just like in the dream, with only one difference. He had a silent cry. Quiet pain is deeper. It always hurts more. Slowly, his heart was physically constricted by grief. He felt like he couldn't take it anymore. Tears just streamed down his face.

"Is this all my fault? For God's sake, I ruined Simon's life! Before we met, he was so happy. I just always ruin everything," he thought. For his, not only Simon left a big wound in his heart, but also Erik. Erik...

The perfect older brother and crown prince. Everyone saw it that way. He never showed his weak side. At most, Wilhelm could see Erik's true emotions very rarely, once or twice.

"He would have been the perfect crown prince, not me. He was born knowing that one day he would take over the throne. He's been learning about royal life all his life. I'll just find out at the age of sixteen. He didn't have to lose is brother to be the crown prince." Will thought.

He slowly tried to get out of bed. Not at all because he wanted to get up so much, he was just looking for a tissue. He stood up and wandered over to his jacket.

As soon as he reached into his coat pocket, his hand touched not the object he expected. He found a medicine box. He took it out of his pocket and began to read it. "Mike Eriksson". Simon's father's. It crossed his mind to try one. It wouldn't be a problem anyway. No one would miss him. Someone else can take the throne. No one will notice. It was the same with Erik. He was replaced as if no one had ever known him. And Simon... I'm sure it would hurt him for a while . Although, he might already have a completely new boyfriend. Who else would miss him? No one... he thought. He opened the box and took out an pill. He started to look and dream about what the world would be like without him. The same. In fact, maybe even better. He was about to take the medicine in his hand, but just then Malin knocked on the door.

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