After dinner all of them were gathered in the living room. Yibo had taken out the beers that Zhan had brought earlier. They were having conversations among them, getting to know each other better, especially Yibo and Cheng. Zhan was silent. While Haikuan was trying to get his nephew acquainted with him. Ayuan was seated on his lap. He was tense at first. But then gradually he relaxed and right now was busy telling Haikuan about his adventures at primary school. Haikuan was giving him his undivided attention. Zhan slipped out of the room without making much noise . He used the washroom in Yibo's room. After drying his hands he came out, only to be scared to death by Cheng standing just millimetres away from the bathroom door.
" You scared me. " stated Zhan once he managed to cover up the embarrassment he felt at getting startled so easily. Cheng just walked back to the bed and sat on it. He called Zhan to sit beside him. Zhan did.

" When were you going to tell me? " Asked Cheng.

" Right after meeting Yibo's brother. "

Cheng nodded and did not speak another word.

Zhan sensed that he was upset .
" Cheng, I was going to tell you. It's just that Yibo was-"

" I know everything about Yibo. He is a good guy. But....Zhan do you think he is the right guy for you? "

At Zhan's confused expression Cheng continued, " Haikuan has shared with me everything about his brother. Including the problems he has with his temper. He is too similar to you Zhan. And I don't know. I don't know how this will work...."

" I understand Cheng. Believe me, I do. Because just like you, I also saw him as a short tempered guy. Too similar to me. But then I saw him cry. I saw him trying so hard not to give up. The temper, unlike mine, it was just a facade. A facade to show people that he is strong and that he can fight. That he can do it alone. Cheng believe me when I say, that this will work. "

" Why ? Because he is different from you ? "

" No. Because he knows how to tame me. " Zhan chuckled.

Cheng gave him a confused look.

" Just trust me na..." Zhan whined.

Cheng nodded while rolling his eyes. Zhan flashed a big smile and walked out. He closed the door and leaned on it for a minute. Thank God that the conversation was over. Though Cheng was not convinced, he hoped that his brother will eventually see, that he is so much better with Yibo. Cause he feels so much better. And that he will then convince Haikuan too. For now he will just go and play with his son.

But as soon as he turned he collided with Haikuan. He let out a sigh. Looks like playing will have to wait. He straightened up and looked at Haikuan in his eyes.

That night after they both left Zhan and Yibo lay on the bed. Both awake. Yibo spoke, " You never told me about going to therapy. "

Zhan replied, " It was my brother's idea. He thought that my temper was going out of control after I beat up two guys and they ended up in the hospital. The family was going to file a case against me. They didn't charge an official case, but they got me transferred. This was not a lone incident. So Cheng asked me to go to his husband. I didn't enjoy it, neither did Haikuan. But we had to do it. "

" Oh. So are you still going? "

" Yeah. I go there, irritate him for an hour and come back. "

" Why don't you take it seriously? "

" I don't think I need therapy. I don't go around hitting every guy I see. It's just that some people need to be hit. Have I behaved wrongly with you or Ayuan? Do you think I need help? "

Yibo shook his head.

Zhan continued, " Exactly. My parents were scared that I would get hurt somehow or my career might be affected. And since there already is a doctor in a family, why not make use of it? So I just went along with it, so that they could feel better. "

Yibo nodded. After sometime he asked, " Do you irritate him a lot? Haikuan? "

Zhan chuckled. " A bit. Yeah. I first saw him at the therapy session. That was how Cheng introduced us. After two to three sessions, it was clear that there was no issues. But he adviced me to be much more patient. We still continues the sessions for my parents and Cheng. Haikuan told that I don't need to be there and that he will cover up for me. But I just like to annoy him. "

Yibo giggled." So he doesn't hate you?"

" Oh no. Hate is a strong word. "

" I thought he doesn't like you. "

" Oh you are right. But we can change that. He will eventually fall for my charms."

" Then why haven't he fallen till now. "

" That's cause I wasn't trying. Now I have to. "

" Yeah right. "

" What...?  You will see. Next week when we go to the cinemas you can see how I will make your brother like me so much that he will the one asking me to marry you. "

" What? "

" You don't believe me? Just see..."

" No. What do you mean next week? "

" Oh, I met your brother while coming back from the bathroom. We had a talk and decided that we will all go for a movie next week. "

" And why wasn't I aware of it? "

" You are now. "

Yibo wanted to ask more. But Zhan said, " Come on Yibo. Relax. Let's just sleep. "

And then cuddled onto Yibo. Yibo let it go and closed his eyes. Zhan spent the entire week practising gentleman behaviour so that he could impress Haikuan.

And he was almost successful. Key word being almost.

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