Janella didn't want to bring up a conversation about it because they would only be going round in circles. She loved Jane. She constantly gave herself to Jane. But Jane was being dragged away by her game. Jane soon was washed out by the fame of being a varsity player.

Jane brought Janella to games as a trophy girlfriend. Jane does love Janella. But the fame of being the MVP got to her head. The life of ball messed her up, to the point that she failed one subject. That wasn't her at all. She almost lost her scholarship if it weren't for her coach who helped her save it.

Janella didn't want to fight over it. She was too scared to lose Jane, too scared that she almost lost herself too.

Months passed until Janella's graduation. There was a celebration at her house attended by just her immediate family, Ali and some friends.

Julia and some of their friends were there. Another friend, by the name of Richard was there. Richard was a former classmate of Mara and Jane when they were still in Human Biology. Over the years, they developed a friendship with Richard.

Richard was a close friend to both Jane and Julia. They will soon be classmates in Medicine. Richard though will only be in his senior year in Human Biology while being a freshman in Medicine.

(Disclaimer: the course Human Biology offers only 3 years of preparatory medicine. As fourth year students, the students are being enrolled as first year in Medicine.)

Janella's celebration was fun with only a few friends. Most of her friends are done celebrating with their family so they all met at Janella's house for a party.

"Congratulations, baby", Jane grabbed Janella by the waist while the latter was grabbing a glass of booze.

Janella still did not get used to Jane calling her baby. She noticed the change when Jane became MVP.

Janella turned around to rest her arms on Jane's shoulders. "Thank you, love. Thank you for being part of it." She gave Jane a tight hug and the two started kissing.

"I'll save you a lot of loving tonight," Jane said as she slid some more kisses on Janella's neck before letting her go to join the group. Janella gave Jane a peck and held Jane's hand as they walked to the living room.

Some of their friends are getting drunk already. Luckily, Janella already has a room to spare for those who can't go home.

Among the crowd is one of their friends, Oscar, who is still homophobic. Sure he knew about Jane and Janella, and even of Richard's sexuality (Richard is actually gay), but when he gets drunk, he can't keep his tactless mouth shut.

"How did you two got together?" Oscar began.

"It's a long story. We don't have time for that, let's just play instead", Jane responded.

Oscar, who was unable to provoke Jane, started to become sarcastic, pushy and invading. He turned to Janella instead. "Sexuality and intimacy is part of a relationship, you know that, don't you? How do you do it? How do you satisfy yourselves?"

And with that, Jane felt a surge of emotions. She was mad, furious and insulted. No one talks to Janella like that. She grabbed a bottle of beer. Janella saw what Jane was about to do but she was too late to stop her. Jane smashed the bottle at the back of Oscar's head, who fell on the floor seemingly lifeless.

Janella's instinct told her to run to Jane and keep her in her room while all the others tried to revive Oscar, who turned to be awake but groggy. He woke up with one intent in mind, to get back at Jane. But he was too weak, as blood started to gush from his head. Mara called 911 while Ali grabbed some cloth to stop the bleeding from Oscar's head.

Richard was watching, sitting on the sofa, "For all it's worth, he deserved it". He too was a victim of one of Oscar's antics. Richard was known to be gay and Oscar had every nerve to make fun of him. He wanted to stand up against Oscar but couldn't and seeing Jane do that to Oscar felt like a relief to him. Mara had to turn around to him to give him a look. But Richard kept his IDGAF-manner.

A few moments later, the paramedics arrived. They took Oscar and brought him to the nearest hospital.

Meanwhile, Jane and Janella were starting to have a huge argument.

"What the fuck, Jane? Do you know what could happen to you? If Oscar presses charges for what you did, do you know where you could end up in?" Janella blurted out.

"He deserved it. I hated what he was asking you. He was insulting you, I was just protecting you," Jane answered.

"I don't need protection from that, Jane. I can handle insults. It couldn't hurt me."

"Why can't you just be thankful I did that for you, Jea? I stood up for you."

"But that's not how you do it, Jane! What will happen if he presses charges? Did you even think about that? You're lucky they did not bring in the police yet."

"You know what instead of picking a fight with me now. You could just thanked me instead. A bit of appreciation would've been better." Jane answered in a disappointing tone.

"Well guess what, I can't thank the person who is about to be taken to prison." Janella responded with bitterness. "I don't even know you anymore. Ever since you've been going around with your friends, talking about how you have become the best MVP they've had, nothing's been going on in your head other than your achievements. It's like they've gotten into your head. I can't even talk to you anymore, you don't listen to me anymore. You don't even care how I feel when girls start to surround you after every fucking game!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jane demanded.

"Why don't you ask yourself, Jane." Janella retorted in exhaustion and sat on her bed. "I don't know you anymore, Jane. You're not the same Jane I used to know and love. And I'm tired of this shit. I'm tired of waiting deep in the night for you to come home only to find you coming home drunk."

"And you know what," Janella continued, "I can see deep circles under your eyes. I don't know what you're team has been influencing you into, but I know what that looks. I'm tired of you coming home to me, having sex with me like I'm sort of an object. I'm going to study medicine soon, Jane, and if this is what I'll be handling, I'm out. I can't juggle this kind of Jane", Janella said pointing her hand to Jane, "and medicine together. You used to be my strength, my smile, my happy person. Now you're like a rock that's been pulling me underwater. I can't Jane, I can't."

Jane stood there dumbfounded, "Why didn't you just tell me sooner?"

"I tried, Jane, but your mind keeps wandering off"

"What do you want now?"

"Can you just give me a break for now? I'm tired and tonight, I've reached my end. I can't handle you anymore, Jane. I'm sorry."

Without saying a word, Jane, picked up her car keys and stormed off.

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