Chapter 6

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Most of them had removed them but the marksman was too conflicted to do so. 

"So, story time. What's up with Mr Moody in the corner?" Quinlan asked, pointing at the marksman who had two sleeping children in his lap.

"It's complicated," Hunter admitted, "Come on, I have time," Quinlan jokes, "That's Hunter's partner, they had a fight earlier," Omega explained. "Oh, that's him!" Quinlan whispered, Hunter could only nod. The Jedi smirked, this would be fun. 

"So, why are you different from them?" Quinlan asked, pointing at Rex's small group. Hera and Kanan sat forward listening to Hunter and Tech tell the story of their beginnings and who Clone Force 99 actually was. Wrecker added bits in that the other two missed out but they kept Crosshairs story to himself. "So, he's your batchmate?" Quinlan asked, "Not exactly" "What?" "Like I said, it's complicated" "How can it be complicated? hey don't give me that look, I like to know who I'm working with". Texh just gave the Jedi another look. Quinlan held his hands up knowing they must have been protective over the stubborn marksman in the corner.

Throwing a rock at what he thought was the sleeping marksman, Quinlan let out a quiet gasp when Crosshair caught it. 

"So, when did you stop working for the Empire?" Quinlan liked to throw around words just for fun. Crosshair could only glare, sending the rock back with so much force it hit the Jedi in the chest, probably leaving a bruise.

"Crosshair" Hunter warned, only earning himself a dark look as the marksman removed his helmet. Crosshair ignored him, shifting his focus to Honey who cuddled closer. Ashton snuggled in, Crosshair removed a blanket from his pack and wrapped it around the three of them, well four if he counted his unborn child. 

"Hunter, leave him alone" Echo stated moving over to Tech who had curled up near the fire. Hunter only frowned looking over at his distant partner who had been joined by Wrecker and Fives, the two boxing in the marksman and children with Echo and Tech taking the other side. Leaving Hunter and Quinlan to be the only ones awake on the first shift. 

At some point during the night, it was the fourth shift which turned out to be Kanan and Crosshair, typical two people who weren't talking ended up being on shift together. Crosshair had got up only to frown Hunter and Quinlan were leaning on each other asleep. The marksman glared, taking watch by the entrance while Kanan remained inside the warm cave. Call it instinct but Crosshair didn't trust Quinlan. 

"So, how are you?" Hera had woken up unable to sleep and joined him at the entrance. Crosshair signed something which she didn't get so he just made a thumbs up sign. She raised an eyebrow knowing that was an obvious lie. For the rest of the shift, Hera just talked about her latest adventures with Kanan chipping in. Crosshair sighed looking at the teen who had grown into a fine young man in the last two years. Crosshair made a signal to the two for them to get some sleep. He could do the rest of the shift, the two nodded, settling down to get some sleep. Next would be Kix and Fives but the two were exhausted and Crosshair was fine with staying awake. He even got to the point where he was meant to wake Cody and Rex but he had been so trapped in his thoughts and the occasional need to vomit. He ended up jolting out of his thoughts by the sun rising in the death sector, it was a white sun which almost blinded him, he was thankful for his visor. An added feature inside his helmet to prevent him from going blind to any flashbangs or bright lights. 

"Urgh, what time is it? Shit! Rex we slept in" Cody cursed looking over to who was on watch only to frown, he should have known. Crosshair. The marksman certainly wouldn't have cared. He was on the fourth shift and Cody was the eighth so that meant Crosshair had pulled a total of four shifts on his own. Cody glared at Rex when the captain could only shrug, with quick footsteps Cody made his way over ready to scold the marksman when he got a glance at the tears slipping down Crosshairs face. Cody made sure to back off but did raise his voice when he spoke to warn the marksmans, "Up and at em boys! We need to get a move on". He then went over to Echo and whispered his findings. Echo nodded ensuring he would speak to his son.

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