Chapter 7

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                My pillow smelled old and felt damp. Crap, had I been drooling?

            I opened my eyes and looked around me. The familiar scene of an organ and a monkey playing the symbols washed over me. No, no, no! I couldn’t be here! I’d fallen asleep in my room, on my bed, under my blanket!

            “You’re awake.” Erik looked like he was just getting dressed. He didn’t have his black jacket on, just a puffy white shirt, like a pirate’s. He was also wearing black pants and his hair was tussled. He wasn’t wearing shoes, either.

            “Why am I here? I’m trying to stay as far away from you as possible,” I snapped. I expected a look of hurt to wash over his face but instead he just sneered.

            “You belong to me, Grace. Me and only me.”

            “I don’t belong to anybody, Erik. Not you, not Ryan, not anyone! I didn’t see your arms wrapped around me when I was born, so obviously the only person I belong to is my mom. And guess what? She’s dead. So I don’t belong to anybody, take a hint,” I said rather coldly. This time, hurt impaled him. Erik looked as if I had stabbed him in the back while he thought I loved him.

            Which probably would’ve been better, eh?

            “Well you’re here and that’s all that matters now. I won’t let you escape. Don’t even pretend you don’t remember last night.” Erik’s lips curled into a smile and I looked down, embarrassed.

            “Last night was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made and it just goes to show how deep down idiotic I am. Leave me alone, Erik.” The words exploded out of me like a volcano. I hated the cold, bitter, angry words that were surrounding me. I was slowly dying of fear and when his eyes locked on mine I felt paralyzed with fear.

            Before he could say anything, I got a horrible feeling in my stomach. It felt butterflies with flying around while spinning up my organs. Then I knew what it was.

            I made a bee line for my room, hoping to make it to the bathroom in time, but I was too late. I puked right then and there on the floor. Erik looked disgusted and turned away from me, walking to the organ and sat down indulgently. He closed his eyes and then rested his hands on the keys, like he was debating whether or not he wanted to play.

            Apparently, I wasn’t finished. I puked again. I felt weak and oh, so sick! I put my head in my hands and started to sob. I honestly hated being sick. I was weak, but I managed to stand and fall limply onto the bed. Great. So my life is going in the toilet, I desperately wanted to have a role in Wicked, Ryan was the sweetest guy ever and he was off-limits, and Erik was plucking away at my mind slowly. I seriously wished I was 21 so I could easily drink away my problems.

            Erik called out something I’d wished I could’ve tuned out. “You may not be sick!”

            When I opened my mouth to say something, all that came out was a small squeak. What did he mean? I didn’t understand what he meant so I pulled out my phone and texted Ryan, just to let him know that I had to go back to the room because I was sick (which wasn’t technically a lie). Also, so I could avoid talking to Erik. Seriously, what had he meant? I tried to shake the thought out of my mind and sighed. My life was seriously unraveling, and I was about to lose everyone I cared about.

You Belong To Me (Phantom of the Opera fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat