Chapter 2

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“How do you like it here?”

His smile warmed my heart. I grinned weakly. “I…um…I’m okay with it. But it’s got so much history and passion that it’s hard to overlook it all.”

“Ah, yes. You speak of the Opera Ghost?” Ryan asks. He smiles again and invites himself into my room, aka Christine Daae’s dressing room. Yes, as fate would have it, I ended up with her dressing room.

“Of course I am. What other history does this place have?” I answer quickly, turning sharply to the mirror with the sheet over it. I smile halfheartedly at Ryan who sits uncomfortably on the ugly vintage couch.

“Much, much history. The death of Christine Daae is one of them,” Ryan responds.

I tilt my head to the side. “Death? I knew she died, but why is it so important to the history of the Opera Populaire?”

“Her best friend Meg Giry shot her on accident. Part of it was the Opera Ghost’s fault. Meg was luring Christine’s son away to the lake because he couldn’t swim, and planned to drown him because she was in love with the Opera Ghost, believe it or not. After the son was returned to Christine, she wanted to kill herself. So she held the gun to her head and the Opera Ghost tried to release her hand from the gun. With the struggling, she accidently pulled the trigger and the bullet hit Christine unexpected. The son went home with Rauol, her husband whom she didn’t love anymore, and the Opera Ghost was left alone once again. This happened ten years after Christine left the first time.” His words were like Mr. Nicholas’s, factual and with clarity in his tone.

Something about him fascinates me. Whether it is his knowledge or his beauty, I like him. But I know he can’t be here. Not now, not ever. I can’t risk the Opera Ghost, if there is such a being, I can’t risk him hurting Ryan. Sure, I’ve known him three months since I started drama class, but we’ve been pretty good friends. He’s nice to me, nicer than any guy I’d find in North Carolina.

The couch is comfortable but I hate it at the same time. I stand with great force that if I’d weighed more I would’ve broken the floor. Ryan looks at me and chuckles but says nothing. I look to him and smile, not with half a heart but a full one. Right after I smile a bang is heard at the mirror. Both Ryan and I look.

“You must go,” I say quietly. I then repeat it louder so Ryan can hear me.

“But why?” Ryan asks.

“You just can’t stay, meaning you must leave. I need to be alone, thank you.” I grab his hand and pull him up, but his restraint is surprising. Reluctantly, he stands.

“Grace, I want you to know that I’m here for you. I don’t understand your problem and I want to. What was that noise?”

“Ryan, it wasn’t anything. This place is old with many creaks and noises. You really need to go. I’m so sorry, I’ll talk to you later.” I lead him to the door and he walks through the doorway. He turns to get one more look, smiles, and continues down the hallway.

I run to the mirror and rip off the sheet. “What are you trying to do to me, huh? You think I belong to you just because I’m in her dressing room now? Well you’re wrong.” After my outrage, I drop my head into my hands. Sobbing follows.

“Flattering child you shall know me, see why in shadow I hide. Look at your face in the mirror, I am there inside!”

Almost instantaneously, I look up at the mirror. The same face I see a week ago that almost lured me into the mirror looks straight at me. I expect a smile but rather get a solemn look. The mirror opens for me once again and I see him sitting on the chair. Like the book said, the room only has a chair in it.

You Belong To Me (Phantom of the Opera fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum