Chapter - 16

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" My baby why are you hiding from daddy look I have been waiting for you come out " a man having smirked plastered on his face said while slowly taking predator steps to look below table

Jisoo closed her mouth tightly to stop any sobbing coming out she's hiding inside the closet tears continuosly coming out of her eyes as she's trembling it's seems so hard for her to breath in this close place but she's more scared of being caught by him than suffocating to the death

" My baby "

" Where are you sooyaa "

" Since your mumma is not here come out we are gonna play "

" Yahhh where the hell are you bitch " suddenly he yelled angrily

Jisoo closed her eyes because of fear when she heard his footsteps coming towards her

" Caught you " he maniacally laugh

Jisoo woke from the nightmare again she's breathing heavily but this time her surrounding is not dark instead a bright sunlight filling her whole room

" Wait this is not my room " she looked around to see unfamiliar things it's not dark black wall of her room but a soothing white wall she was wondering when she remember how last time she was in restaurant before everything black out

Looking at the situation back she convinced that she's kidnapped without delaying she hurriedly get up from bed marching towards downstairs her steps slow down when delicious smell of food  reached her to her confusion she saw nothing like usual kidnapping place instead it's aesthetically pleasing house

" Ohh you woke up , come here I made breakfast for you " she heard a familiar voice

" What the - what are you doing here , where I am ? Did you kidnapped me ...? Why are you silent bastard answer me " She bombarded him with all questions to which he only chuckled

" Oh c'mon how could you say bastard to me did you forget we are friends and soon to be -- " he smiled

" Answer my question Mr. Doctor " she walked to him

" Okay okay first come here have breakfast then I'll gave you all the answers " taehyung said and make her sit on dining table , she didn't oppose him seeing the delicious food not to mention she's really hungry

After she devoured  all the food she looked up to see taehyung was lovingly staring at her , she blushed and hide her face

Taehyung smirked seeing her cute reactions and reached his hand to her mouth which has some rice stick " you're such a messy eater " he said while removing

She was stunned on his actions and started coughing without delaying taehyung gave her water " Are you okay " he asked her worriedly to which she nodded as yes

After settling she looked at him demanding his answer he sighed before saying

" So as you know you were kidnapped and while I was on my way to you I was stuck into traffic luckily there I noticed you in Van " he explained her everything as she was listening carefully

She laughed so hard  " I can't believe I was kidnapped by coward kidnappers who ran away after hearing a fake police siren and my saviour were so timid to even fight with them "

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