Calling Y/n, and the alternate reality fight

Start from the beginning

When the breakfast was served, you took it apon yourselves to set up a picnic near the beach to talk. You guys talked about useless stuff for a while, until Steven asked the question he had been waiting to ask from the start:

"Why do you hate me?"

It brought a pain you had forgotten to your heart, and you mumbled the words:

"I don't." "Then why do you keep ignoring me?" You had to fight off the urge to cry. You shouted, "I don't okay! I don't! I don't know WHAT to think anymore!" you buried your face in his shoulder and a muffled, "I don't know." escaped your lips. Steven smiled.

"At least I know how you feel." He said, kissing your forehead. A migraine you didn't know you had suddenly went away. You shivered with pleasure. You hadn't been touched by a living thing for years now, not even by your closest friend and ex-crush. Maybe your possible crush. You didn't know.

"T-thanks." you say into his pink jacket. He whispers a "No problem." and hugs you. You were visibly relaxing in his arms. Not even a minute later, you were knocked out, sleeping peacefully. You hadn't done this in years, barely getting any sleep that didn't have a nasty nightmare.


I could see Pink Steven holding me when I woke up. "You're still sleeping." he said, and I shrugged, "Eh, I get to see you." Pink laughed, "I missed your voice." I gave him an eyeroll. "Whatever." "Listen Y/n, me and Steven are one in the same. Please, just remember that. We both come from the heart." And Pink faded into nothingness. I was waking up. 

I was in Steven's arms. It was morning. We were still on the beach. We had blankets and pillows over us, thanks to the gems (probably). 'Those dirty little-' I started to think but was cut off by a groan. It was Steven. "Can you just sleep-" He whines, holding me to his chest. I blush slightly. "You really need it." He said again, but it was a different voice, and his cheeks were glowing pink.

I decided to do as asked, relaxing and drifting off in his arms.

'I still like Pink more.'

"Don't flatter me, Y/n.'

'No can do, you showed me human affection, and now you have to pay for your crimes by dealing with me FOREVER!'

Steven's arms were around my stomach pulling me closer to him. Awe.. He just wants hugs. I snuggle up to his arm slightly, he wouldn't realize anyway.


Little did she know, he had awoken before she did, and had been doing this at his own free will, trying to make it seem as though he didn't mean to. He wanted to be able to hug Y/n without thing getting awkward. He chuckled slightly, and his heart sped up. He had really fallen for her, hadn't he? He forced himself to slow down his heart rate and stopped laughing. It was cuddle time.

When they woke up again, it was in the middle of the afternoon. Amythyst walked up to them and started poking Y/n. "Hey~~" she called in a sing-song voice, "Wake up~~~" she ended up pouring water on you both. "What gives?" Y/n hisses, flinching back from the purple gem. Steven just groaned a small, "I don' wanna." and she let him be.

Apparently, Amythyst was bored, and the ONLY possible entertainment was Y/n. Y/n decided to roll with it, for she missed having the small gem around. "Your still short." Y/n comments and Amythyst whines, "It's not MYYY fault you know-" Y/n just ended up laughing, saying a simple, "I know." Amythyst continues, rambling about how she wished she could have magical growth spurts like her and Steven.

Y/n had to explain that it meant that you would have to go through a lot of pain, growing/stretching your body so it could fit your young adult form. Y/n then had to explain the human stuff that regular girls would have to deal with while in puberty. It was a long conversation - and thankfully, Steven wasn't there to hear any of it. 

They had wandered down the beach, while Steven packed up the picnic things to put ack at the temple.

When Amythyst and Y/n had gotten to the temple, they found Steven asleep on his bed. Y/n gave him a small kiss on the cheek and left him to sleep. She didn't know that the next time she slept she would be getting visions of an alternate reality.

I can make a promise
I can make a plan
I can make a difference
I can take a stand
I can make an effort
If I only understand
That I, I can make a change
You can make it different
You can make it right
You can make it better
We don't have to fight
You can make an effort
Starting with tonight
'Cause you
You can make a change

The song ran through her head along with the scenes when she took a nap on the couch. She shook when she woke up, and Y/n walked to the still sleeping Steven. She got on the end of the bed not even bothering to get under the covers.

He shifted. Y/n had fallen into a slumber once more. He smiled and she woke up suddenly. "I-I-" She stuttered, freaking out from a dream. "Alternate relity, you lived, made Sinel go yo diamonds- worl saf-" All her words were jumbled together(and in text, purposely miss-spelled.) he could hardly understand but he did.

["Alternate reality, you lived, made Spinel go to diamonds and be happy. World was safe."]

He smiled, 'That would have been the perfect life, but that wasn't REALLY what happened.'

Not really.

Steven, gone wrongWhere stories live. Discover now