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Being Recorded With Yuuri Katsuki


Your POV


What in the world have I gotten myself into...

No I didnt cause this

I did not fucking cause this!

I stood mouth open, eyes squinting ,eyebrows furrowed,one of my mugs broken on the floor, coffee spilled all over and the plate with my breakfast dumped on the floor as well all because of-

"Yuuri Katsuki!"

I felt my eye twitching as I watched news covering the video of him skating the "Russian gods" routine. The news was being told in russian and it showed the video of him skating Victors routine and then was recorded talking to me and hugging me with all his might. Oh my god they even zoomed in so they could see he was whispering something to me.. I switched to another channel for a different langauge, news on the video too... I continued flipping through the multiple languages I learned because I thought my future was skating, everyone is talking about it. Everyone in the skating world knows and has seen it. My eyes flickered to my laptop on the couch that I only used for online classes,"I dont even wanna know what the internet is saying about this."

Kill me

Just kill me now

I'm done for, how many times have I needed to move and dissapear

How many times Ive had to dissapear from tokyo so no one could find out I live there

I regret going back on the ice,this always happens even if im not on the ice


As if reading my mind my phone began to ring, my flip phone flashing a small light and I could only sigh in annoyance. I didn't need to look to figure out who it was.I grabbed it and flipped it open answering the stupid call I always dreaded ,"What do you want this time I havnt done anything-"

"How do you know Yuuri Katsuki?"

"I dont-"

"You know your not meant to ever make any sort of appearance and here you are with a well known skater from JAPAN with news of VICTOR NIKIFOROV!"


I heard a scoff on the other end as well as a slam," So you just hug random skaters now, and famous ones at that. You let yourself get recorded, the only good thing is you decided to dress like shit so no one can even recognize you!"

"Fuck you," with that I hung up and tossed my phone on the couch, it began to ring again but I ignored it. I have a mess to clean up after being shocked awake by figure skating news. "What a horrible day and its barely 7am, Yuuri better be ready for a beating cause I have the day off!"

My only hope is that asshole is right to some extent, maybe no one will recognize me this time..


Yuuri POV


I got up and changed with the biggest eyebags in the world, my parents greeted me as usual not knowing what Yukos kids had done. Im just ready to hole up in my room for life...

I barely got to the kitchen table to get a bite to eat when all my sleepiness flew off at someones yell. "YUURI KATSUKI!!!"

My eyes widened as I walked through the building and reached the front door, only to be met by a furious looking ," (nickname)? "

Skate For Freedom (YOI! x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ