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Drizzlefrost looked up from the river and gaped at the cat before her. “Ember that Sparks Fires! W…what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be guiding the Tribe?”

            The red she-cat shook her head. “They are not the ones in need of guidance, young Drizzlefrost. It is the clans who need it. Dreadful times come, and the clans will have to rely on Starclan for the guidance they will surely need. A prophecy has been passed on to me from my ancestors. A prophecy that could very well decide the fate of the clans.”

            The blue she-cat looked frustrated. “But Ember, the clans are at a time of peace! We wish not to disrupt it. Only bad things would come.”

            “And if you do not,” the cat countered, “even worse things will come.”

            She hung her head in defeat. “If you believe it best, then so be it. Pass onto me this prophecy and I shall share it with all of Starclan.”

            Ember nodded, satisfied, for she had not the time to waste telling all of this great and powerful clan the prophecy.

“In times of peace, when none dare pass,

One shall come, of fire and brass.

The five will then fade to three,

And begin to disagree.

And then will come the sacred four,

To restore rules of heretofore.”

            Drizzlefrost stared. “What does it mean?” she stammered.

            “That is not for me to say. All I can say is that the time of peace shall come to an end when the ember sparks.” With that, the she-cat vanished, leaving a puzzled Drizzlefrost.

            She shook her head and raced off to the waterfall. “Littlestar, find the other leaders. Tell them to come to the Frozen Pine,” she called, racing off in the direction of the frosty tree. She didn’t slow down as she reached it. Instead, she kicked off from the ground and leapt onto one of the highest branches.

            She calmed herself down as the past leaders from Lightclan, Heatherclan, Breezeclan, Leafclan, and Stormclan gathered below the tree. She lowered herself to a branch closer to them and called out, “Grass-star, Shadestar, Crowstar, Waspstar, and Springstar, I have important news. Ember that Sparks Fires has given me a prophecy.

In times of peace, when none dare pass,

One shall come, of fire and brass.

The five will then fade to three,

And begin to disagree.

And then will come the sacred four,

To restore rules of heretofore.”

            She could sense their discomfort. “I have reason to believe that it is centered around Leafclan. Mists of Shattered Dreams once told me this:

When Ember shines, leaves will fall.

Fire will come, and consume all.”

            She paused, letting them take it in. “Ember has told us a prophecy about a creature of fire and brass coming, so that takes care of the last part. Ember is the one who told us the prophecy; that could be the start. And that just leaves the ‘Leaves will fall’ part. Maybe, it’s predicting Leafclan’s demise.”

            She stopped, staring at them, eyes full of worry. Springstar spoke up. “I agree that it is about this prophecy and Leafclan, that is obvious, but I have other thoughts on the rest. I believe it means that one of those ‘sacred four’ will be an odd kit and Leafclan’s troubles will begin shortly after that kit’s birth.” The others nodded, deep in thought.

            “You’re all close,” murmured another cat.

            “Falconlight, do you understand it?” Shadestar asked.

            “Of course. These prophecies mean a great evil will come and the five clans will form three. They will start to fight. Then, four cats will come with power like no other to restore the clans to the old ways. I could even name the kits, you know that.”

            “Please do.”

            “Lionkit, Pebblekit, Beekit, and Emberkit. The first three shall be fine for a while. But Emberkit will be in grave danger from the shadows of her own past. Memories will bring pain and truth will kill. We must do all we can to prevent her from learning what she need not know. I suggest Flarefall for this mission. Do you all agree?” the old medicine cat said calmly.

            “Of course, Falconlight. I’d trust you with my life,” Grass-star murmured.

            “And I as well,” agreed Crowstar.

            “I think we all would,” Waspstar croaked.

            “Then send them, it will come soon. A terror unlike any other. The fate of the clans depends on these kits.”

Warriors: Book 1: Shadowed Past {Discontinued}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora