I was still holding onto my chest attempting to slow down my heart from the near heart attack so McGonagall spoke in my place, "This is Y/N, a new student at Hogwarts. I trust you to show her to her wand". She turned towards me placing a hand on my shoulder, "Stay here and get your wand I'll come back after exchanging the money you've given me", she took my strange bag made fat with money I've stolen and walked out of the store. I was left with the man who was now staring at my hair in curiosity as well as my sunglasses. I was wondering if he would eventually try to reach out and touch it.

"I know my store is bright but not enough to need those on a young ladys face," I only shrugged causing him to crack a mischievous smile. Ok so he's not as bad as I first thought. The man disappeared into the back before appearing once more with a wand in hand. It had a small dark brown handle with three grooves going across it. The rest of the wand was a lighter shade of brown with a curved tip. After carefully placing it in my hands he asked me to wave it, I did not expect anything to happen, but he suddenly snatched it out of my hand. "Not that one, let's try..... this." This time I was handed a much simpler wand in appearance, much longer than the last one though. As I waved it I suddenly felt a hit to the back of my head. I timidly put the wand back onto the counter as he thought for a second before bringing me another. "hmm how about this one",he handed me it and I waved it.Two lights flickered, he took it away. This went on for a while and even McGonagall returned with wizard money and only stared in wonder at the 20 boxes on the counter. "You are a tricky one miss L/N. I expect no less from someone so great."

"How did you know my last name?" He gave a smirk before he went about looking for another terrifying magic stick to hand me. I decided to be helpful and began fixing the ones I'd tried and put them back in their boxes well. That was when I noticed a box on the floor behind me..Is that what hit me over the head?

I slowly stood up as I attempted to find the opening only to have the guy appear in front of me and take the box from my hand. After easily opening the box his eyes widened seeing the wand, it was white and silver in appearance, simply designs near the handle , the base smooth and the tip of the wand had carved design into it. He didn't stop his movement as he took it out of the box and handed it over to me.

"Try this one", I nodded as I stared at the wand. It seemed so different from the others. This was my wand I didn't even have to wave it I just knew ,he knew it too. "I'm sure this wand was hidden away, and yet you managed to make it come to you."

"Do you truly believe this now Y/N," I nodded smiling. "Alright then, lets go your other supplies, we have only so much time." I nodded again and waved goodbye to the wand guy with his final words being, "We will meet again Miss L/N." In confusion I followed McGonagall out the door and into the streets. She had my list basically memorized probably cause she was a professor herself, and we went shop by shop. Until we went into a shop with robes. "We will have you sized for your school uniform, come here."

As I was pulled away by the shop keeper I noticed another kid around my age having their measurements taken as well. He had pale skin and light blonde hair, my staring must have been obvious because he turned to look at me and I froze up. "New student at Hogwarts too?"

He said it slightly snobbishly and all I could do was nod as I was pulled away to be measured and try on some clothes. Eventually we both came out with the school uniform on, his version for boys and mine for girls as it had a skirt. This is so weird, I've never gone to school before. I let out a smile as I twirled in the skirt and looked at myself in the mirror, I looked like a different person now.

"What are you smiling for, never seen a mirror?"

"I've never seen a school uniform before, I love it!" I twirled again a bright smile on my face and my glasses slipped from my face. Dropping to the floor they finally caught the boys attention and he stared wide eyed at me. I went to pick them up and when I looked up at the mirror my smile dropped and I screamed, "McGonagall!"

She rushed over at my frightened voice, and I looked up at her,"What's happened— Oh my word.."

"They've never been like this before w-what's going on??" She pulled me away from that boy who was still stunned, and we bought the robes as I was removing them. Every so often I looked at the mirror.

bright red


blood red

they are practically glowing..

I closed my eyes as I finished removing the school uniform, back to my normal attire I put my sunglasses back on. We rushed out of the store with my uniform in tow, my wand placed on top of them. I got one last look at that boy, but this time he was standing with another man, his father I assumed. A tall man with long almost white hair but it was the same shade of blonde as the boy. He stared at me in curiosity, almost a knowing look on his face. A look I was familiar with on the streets with people who wondered around in the same area as me.. it said I know you. But before I could read his eyes more the door slammed behind us.


McGonagall got the last few things in a rush, saying she needed to talk to some people, so she'd be leaving me at the house. Especially after being told I knew exactly how to get to the train station, she said she had many things to ask and finish so she'd me up with me again at the actual school. I didn't have much of a choice but to agree, it seems my eyes becoming like this were the cherry on top of panic and that's why she was leaving to talk to others.

With all my things bought we were heading back the way we came, I kept starring imagining what it would be like if I had a pet owl. Is it normal to have pet owls? I stayed in my imagination until I unintentionally crashed into to a few women with one of them holding a flying broom that fell and hit my head. As I muttered an apology to the women McGonnagal looked back to where my gaze had followed, seeing the owl she walked over and bought the bird for me. I felt bad for her buying it for me until she gave me a hug and said, "I apologize for being late in finding you but you are very good at hiding.....Happy Birthday Y/N." I felt tears come out of my eyes and for once I was thankfully for these shades over my eyes. I immediately hugged her and for once I felt someone hug me back.

"This is the first time I've gotten a gift, thank you mcgonogall..."


With goodbyes to McGonagall as well as my stuff being ready to push to the train station. She said a few last things to me ," your platform is 9¾ , and if you get lost many students will be passing by there at the same time as you so you won't get lost." I nodded at her and she ruffled my h/c hair. "And one last thing, no matter what do not mention your last name."


"I only want to protect you," she stood up straight and walked out of the house. "I'll see you at Hogwarts."

With that she disappeared.

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