the hiding heart in Kawakaze

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The Shikikan was in his office going through some morning paper. He had asked Lady Nagato for a report on the performance on the Sakura Empire destroyers, so he was going through the results, but he noticed something odd.

Shiratsuyu. B+

Shigure. B-

Umikaze. A-

Yamakaze. C+

Yuudachi. A+

Kawakaze. N/A

Shikikan mind. what N/A?

Shikikan. That's odd, I asked lady Nagato for a full report, including Kawakaze? Hmm

There then was a knock on the door, before it opened. Only one person opened the door before Shikikan could speak. Kawakaze. She then stepped in with her same stone-cold face with no hint of emotion. 


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Kawakaze. Lady Nagato requires your presence

Shikikan got up and followed the destroyer. He tried to have a talk with the shipgirl, starting with

Shikikan. So... how are you?

Kawakaze. .............................

Shikikan. Did you do the exercise yesterday?

Kawakaze. Lady Nagato needed to protected

After a bit more time they got to gate of the shrine where Lady Nagato was waiting, seeing an opportunity that might not show again, Shikikan then spoke.

Shikikan. Your hair looks really good

He then went into the shrine, leaving Kawakaze went wide eyed, with some blush on her cheeks, but he was too far away to hear what the surprised destroyer said

Kawakaze *softly* th-thank you

Shikikan looked around to find lady Nagato, until he found the battleship resting on her knees, having herself some tea. She looked up as Shikikan gave his bow, she had her normal outfit, her golden eyes looking at Shikikan.

Nagato. Thank you for coming Shikikan

Shikikan. It's always a pleaser lady Nagato

Nagato. Please, sit

She then gestured to the empty seat opposite her. Shikikan then sat down and poured himself a cup of tea. Shikikan could tell Nagato was wanting to talk about something, her eyes locked on him, almost like he was in trouble. He took a sip of the tea, before he spoke.

Shikikan. Lady Nagato, sorry for me to be so direct but, why did you ask for me? Is there an operation with the Eagle Union coming up?

Nagato. Me and MS Enterprise are talking about one yes, but it's not set in stone yet. No, I asked you for a more, at home reason

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